Nissan Avenir climate control LCD screen q?

gsdz4me, Jul 12, 7:38pm
The screen as above is slowly going black.I have been told that the screen is dying.At the moment it has just started so is black nearly 1/8th along one end.Are these easy to replace and install and is it a necessity to replace!I understand that the controls themselves wont be affected, just eventually I will not be able to see the display to see what the temperature is inside and outside of the car and the setting it is set on, whether the control is on manual or auto control and the the no of fans showing fan speed.

kevymtnz, Jul 16, 2:54am
does the sun able to hit it as sun v lcd dont mix

neo_psy, Jul 16, 3:01am
Should just be able to unplug and plug a replacement in.

Are you confident to remove the trim to have a look! If not, take it to an auto sparky to have a look.