Daihatshu Hijet ute repower

beetle1234, Jul 9, 8:03pm
Have a 89 daihatshu ute fitted with the big block 547cc 3 cylinder motor,couldn,t pull a sailor off ya sister. I blew the thing up and am looking to repower it with something bigger, any suggestions!. cheers

hopie, Jul 9, 8:07pm
hayabusa for the win!

kcf, Jul 9, 9:32pm
would one of the 850cc Mira three pot engines go in!

They're remarkably good (in a kind of three cylinder 850cc engine way .).

gadgit3, Jul 9, 11:10pm
I think there a 998cc or 1L. mine is any way lol
On that note if a 3Cyl Mira engine will fit then I'd be looking out for a Charade GT engine as it's the same engine but with a hair dryer bolted on.

kcf, Jul 10, 12:12am
My 850cc Mira was definitely only 850 :-)

mugenb20b, Jul 10, 12:25am
Sell it as is, and buy a quad bike or a Polaris.

kingfisher21, Jul 10, 2:04am

beetle1234, Jul 10, 4:24pm
.Bloody wicked.-
.mmmmmmmmm, I do have a spare rover v8 under the workbench,,now where,s the tape measure!

beetle1234, Jul 10, 4:25pm
.do they have a heater!

beetle1234, Jul 10, 4:27pm
.Looked into that idea but way too expensive,It would go like a shot dog tho.cheers

beetle1234, Jul 10, 4:28pm
.looking into that idea tho the wee tonka,s motor lies on it,s side like a skittled possum, I will have a look at the poss of the idea.cheers

mugenb20b, Jul 10, 7:31pm
Heater! What's that!

guest, Sep 25, 8:33pm
You're on top of the game. Thanks for shgrnia.

guest, Sep 26, 1:08pm
Pure Genius Dave !I was meaning to ask you this in your last poscadt.Very effective stuff . Impressive Dave, are you running Sony Vegas on your Mac ?I just tried it yesterday on my 21.5 inch Imac underVM Ware .. Easier to run Vegas on a Mac thenunder my clunky HP computers You're my hero Dave Time for a Live Seminar sowe can all come out and meet youand thank you in person.

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