Over-acceleration in normal driving

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trader_84, Jul 6, 7:34pm
And the other thing too . I notice at the lights . as the other car is edging forward . deep staging and in danger of red lighting . that they never look you in the eyes. It takes all the fun out of wearing your gorilla mask to freak them.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 6, 7:37pm
We're not talking about rapid acceleration. We're talking about considerate acceleration instead of dawdling. You might not have anything much going on in your life thus not requiring any pace, but many people do.

trader_84, Jul 6, 7:40pm
And a lot are just wound up a little tighter than me and you . they have to rush . I mean if you made them laugh whilst driving - they'd probably crash.

sr2, Jul 6, 8:33pm
LOL; it's just a blokes thing, nothing like a little drag race from the lights to relive the boredom of rush-hour driving. Avoiding eye to eye contact is essential and diversionary tactics such as pretending to be distracted while watching for the green out of the corner of your eye are quite acceptable. The motorway onramp lights are a fantastic streetracing innovation; everyone gets a turn at a bit of match racing and having the two lanes merge into one adds to the excitement.

gman35, Jul 6, 8:37pm
HaHa , I think my thread has gone the other way slightly now.

sr2, Jul 6, 8:41pm
Sorry mate, didn't mean to hijack but it is the weekend!

mlh19658, Jul 6, 8:45pm
Was first away at lights this morn and was aware the female behind was texting. Was still head down after I hit 2nd gear. Stupid.

steve56467, Jul 6, 9:17pm
^^Been there!^^
Very nearly got taken out in that manner about a year ago.
Flamin Mongrels!
This thread is crackn me up tho racing clubbys in my diesel.meanwhile the clubby driver is undoubtedly thinkning "Whats this tugga trying to prove"
Racing up on ramps, wishing Capt Slow would get outa my way.chasing the guy in front, how dare he pass me! All in a days work isn't it

steve56467, Jul 6, 9:21pm
Thanks for the laugh trader, On ya mate

net_oz, Jul 6, 9:29pm
My daughter plants the foot every time she takes off in her holden. Gotta get to that speed limit as quick as. Just as well us tax payers are paying for the bludging solo mums fuel.

steve56467, Jul 6, 9:37pm
Yeah well MY cars gotta turbo.
So there!

kazbanz, Jul 6, 9:51pm
reading all this has me thinkingWHY! why does the OP HAVE to accelerate away fast rowing through the box! Don't we control our own lives! Why not accelerate at the pace you are comfortable with!

gman35, Jul 6, 10:07pm
I do most of the time , but I know I have to if I want to (keep up)

skin1235, Jul 7, 12:12am
is that an admission that when you entered the intersection it was obvious from the backed up traffic ahead that you could possible not be able to clear the cross traffics pathway!
who's at fault if you're stuck halfway across and some egg ploughs into your left door

berg, Jul 7, 1:02am
On the bike I always wait just a bit anywhere here in Wgtn because of the bloody red light runners. Sure, they would be in the wrong but I'd rather not be broken. Fortunately the bikes pretty quick off the mark so I still get ahead of most traffic.

rob_man, Jul 7, 3:39am
No, it's just plain being considerate. There are short phased lights which might allow four or five cars through before changing to red as long as everybody does their bit. It galls to watch that opportunity being frittered away by somebody who is blissfully unaware of the plight of those behind them when it might be another five minutes before their lane gets another green flash.
You might be happy to be that guy but I'm not.

skin1235, Jul 7, 3:43am
quiet night tonight robman, nah, dislike it when the ;natural flow' of the traffic is disrupted for any reason, but in wanga do often see the last 2 cars to push the green/yellow stuck in mid intersection like big dorks cos the rest of the street is held up further down due to a car backing out of a parking bay, and the crossing traffic now with a green are also parked up cos their way is blocked, much tooting and arm waving etc

icemans1, Jul 7, 6:02am
if they changed the sequence of the traffic lights to what uk uses, it would prevent the problems at lights we have now. uk has orange, then green, then red. orange is for get ready to go not get ready to stop like nz

trader_84, Jul 7, 6:15am
Orange, green then red . where have I seen that before! So the poms have seen the light, aye! They are using PRO TREE's at their intersections. Wow! If you read further up, you will see most of the posters in here are Pro Import Racers so will find this little bit of information quite interesting mate.

icemans1, Jul 7, 6:34am
that's the problem in nz - reaction time is slow

solarboy, Jul 7, 6:47am
Traffic lights were installed at a few intersections here( Masterton ) decades ago but they who decide these things figured they weren't a good idea and ripped them out again after a while and installed roundabouts instead.
They make a lot more sense here at least and save a helluva lot of stopping, idling and starting off again.
Now I only get to practise traffic light stop/go when I go to the city for my annual culture shock but I always take a book and thermos so my time stopped isn't a total waste of time. Of course this does mean pulling away quite slowly ( on the green is it ! ) as it takes time to replace my bookmark, put my cup back in the holder, restart the engine, into gear, handbrake off and so on. You do get some impatient horn-happy drivers at the lights at times though .

cjdnzl, Jul 7, 6:51am
Quick reactions can buy you a prang if a late runner comes across your bows.And it's probably you who will get T-boned.

pauldw, Jul 7, 6:58am
Wrong. UK has Red, Red + Orange, Green, and Orange.

Orange alone is still get ready to stop.

trader_84, Jul 7, 6:09pm
See thats where the whole deal comes undone. They need to standardise everything worldwide so you can drive your Honda in a consistent manner with the type of consistency needed to reign supreme in the Jafa Traffic Light Wars. And while we are at it . lights should be spaced at 1320ft. 0.4 trees in the suburbs and Pro Trees installed in the center of town for the premier runs. A red light inccurs an instant fine as does racing down the return road. This sorta thing . plus the introduction of slow lanes for mighty 2.8 Hiluxs covered in dents, dirt and poo's

mazzyz, Jul 7, 6:36pm
"And while we are at it . lights should be spaced at 1320ft. 0.4 trees in the suburbs and Pro Trees installed in the center of town for the premier runs. A red light inccurs an instant fine as does racing down the return road."

trader_84 for PM.