BMW Knowledge Please

s.c, Jul 7, 3:06am
Im sure it didn't do this before but the last couple of times I've gone to drive it when i get in it's been beeping at me it stops a few seconds after I've turned the engine on have been careful lights are off etc . I had a flat battery a few weeks ago so I may be paranoid but it only gets driven at the weekends and the battery seems fine after I charged it all night as was to scared with the computor to jump start it320 I. 2002is this normal !Thanks

jason_247, Jul 7, 6:02am
not sure about 3 series but my five series beeps at me for a few seconds in the morning and flashes theext temp

this is only if its below 3'c to warn you of potentially icy roads

the-saint1, Jul 7, 7:04am
It always amazes me the misinformation and misunderstandings propagated whenever someone lists a series of symptoms, then expects an accurate answer even though the correct diagnosis will only be reached after a skilled and experienced technician is able to assess the problem with the car in the workshop and all diagnostic tools plugged in.Phewww!

s.c, Jul 7, 4:08pm
Why should I take it to a mechanic and get charged when it may be something simple and some one on here knows what it is and if it is serious I can then take it in to be looked at it only does it when starting for a few seconds

doriandarby, Jul 7, 4:54pm
First thought I had was - is it the seat belt reminder beeping!

NZTools, Jul 7, 4:55pm
Because any diagnosis you get on here is only going to be at best a guess, based on the very vague infomation provided about the symptoms, which could represent any number of faults.

fourkingz, Jul 7, 8:43pm
Join the NZ Bimmersport website, and ask in the forums.

gunhand, Jul 7, 8:50pm
Well ya wrong. I listed a buch of symptoms here a while back that i already new the answer to to "test" the knowladge on here. Within 30 mins the correct answer was givin, post 3 I think it was.
So there are some who know what there on about. And do do most mechanics start with! a bunch of symptoms.

fiatracer, Jul 7, 9:35pm
my BMWs both beep at me now too - the sub-3 degrees warning - I bet the external air temp flashes up too

s.c, Jul 8, 2:24am
Thanks turned out it was the seat belt. What a great site for BMW fans