Hey would a Hilux 5 speed be strong enough to put behind a 351C! Im lookin at buying one thats been built and certed etc but just wondering if it will last!
Jul 6, 11:00pm
The G52 would not be. Thats the one that came out behind the 2.8 Diesel. The boxes most use behind 8 cylinder engines are the R151/150F boxes, in Hilux applications.
Jul 6, 11:10pm
Ok thats great thanks. How much power do you think the good ones would handle!
Jul 6, 11:13pm
Ive got a lexus hilux with a g52 box.Have done plenty of burnouts and its still going strong.
Jul 6, 11:16pm
You must have a goody but in general, the 151/150's are prefered over the G52.
Jul 6, 11:18pm
trader_84 what model do they come out in!
Jul 6, 11:22pm
Supra's !
Jul 6, 11:26pm
The 151's and 150's come out in the Surfs with the 1KZTE's in them. They might/would have come out in some others I guess but they came out in 130/185 series Surfs for sure. You need to juggle the transfer boxes though . because one or both (I can't remember but know there is an issue) have the output shaft on the wrong side for use in a solid axle Lux.
Jul 6, 11:29pm
Re above . assuming you're mucking around with a solid axle Luxy. I don't know about the IFS model Lux's because I have only ever owned the older solid axle ones.
Jul 6, 11:40pm
Oh, you are talking about a Surf. It'll be a IFS model. But its all a mute point anyway . its looks like its all hooked up and driving, aye! A Surf of that vintage will probably be a KZN130 or maybe a LN130 I am guessing. I know the KZN130's came out with the HD boxes in them behind the 1Kz.
Jul 6, 11:43pm
Yip all certified and running, just wanting to be sure it'll last. And I may like to do the motor up a bit one day.
Jul 6, 11:51pm
There is currently no shortage of any of the Toyo 4x4 boxes, they are around if you look. You need to find out what you have in that one and get a spare when the oportunity presents, I guess. If the original (and it should be) tag is still attached to upper firewall, it will have the model of the OEM box in the last line next to the term 'Axle Trans'. Again . assumming they used the standard box which probably they did.
Jul 7, 12:09am
Ok thanks for your help. Hopefully going to have a look at it tomorrow so will know more then. Do you know of an easy way to identify the gearbox by looking at it!
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