Ba xr6 falcon has anyone had to replace their diff

tandj3, Jun 26, 4:04am
Has any one had to replace their diff cause of a winning noise if so how would it cost roughly

carclan, Jun 26, 4:08am
No my ute yet and its done 200k, when was the diff oil last changed! I see some adds from people selling their ute's say about 3k

unbeatabull, Jun 26, 5:10am
Had a few, usually due to wrong fluid or not regular changes, or in the case of utes, being under a heavy load all the time.

Usually just a matter of replacing side bearings, pinion bearing, collapsable spacer, seals etc. So long as all the gears & clutch packs etc are still all ok. Around 5-8 hours depending on how much needs doing, if it's an IRS (which most are) the whole rear subframe has to be dropped out and put back in as well.

tandj3, Jun 26, 5:22am
I was told today that one of the ford dealers does about 1 a week apparently a real common problem in the ba falcons

unbeatabull, Jun 26, 5:36am
Not just Falcons, Ford Diffs in general.

At my work (Which is also a Ford Dealer) we would easily average a diff a week, whether its on a Falcon, Explorer, Escape etc

carclan, Jun 26, 7:21pm
How many kilometers has it traveled! is it a ute or car!

richardmayes, Jun 26, 7:32pm
You need to drive a Holden if you want to hear a "winning" noise!

(Sorry, nothing constructive to add. I'll get me hat & coat and see meself out.)

3tomany, Jun 26, 7:36pm
i might be wrong but i was told someholdens use the same diff but dont have enough power to break them lol

tandj3, Jun 27, 4:39am
It's a 2004 xr6 with 90,000kms on odometer, meant to be whining, not winning!

kdcentralni, Jun 27, 5:25pm
Ford have an inhibitor fluid to quieten them down around $170.00 try that first.

carclan, Jun 28, 1:09am
I find it a bit hard to swallow that the differential is stuffed after 100,000km unless someone has be giving it its rasberrys.

dunn28, Jun 28, 1:37am
you need to use a friction modifier

unbeatabull, Jun 28, 1:53am
They do take a specific Oil. We use to put Penrite SHC-ID in ours until Ford told us they wouldn't cover any warranty claims with his Oil in it . however we never had a problem with diffs after putting it in! The one Ford recommends now is Castrol SAF-XA.

Personally, Id just chuck some Morey's in it!

ntalke, Jun 28, 2:24am
I thought your usaul BA/BF XR6 does not have the LSD as standard
Only the Turbo/F6/XR8 and some other variants have the LSD and they both have different fluid requirements

Castrol SAF-XA and Nulon Full Synthetic 80W-140 Heavy Duty Limited Slip Differential Oil) is the ones to use for the LSD and have the additive already,have used both and prefer Nulon and is a PITA to do without a hoist

tandj3, Jun 28, 2:59am
What is moreys is that a oil!it has had the oil changed in it spoke to the mechanic today and he said he replaced it with a penrite oilbut it still whineshave someone looking for a replacement diff but could fit it up and still be the samenot sure what to do its probably going to cost a bit though

unbeatabull, Jun 28, 3:08am
Moreys is a stabilizer/thickener/additive.-
It doesn't necessarily fix the problem but could certainly make it a bit quieter!

LSD was a option on purchase in base models, XR6 came with LSD. XT etc it was an option if the buyer wanted it new.

tandj3, Jun 28, 5:19am
My diff is a LSD item jacked up the other day and it says LSD on the yellow sticker