Boy racer "car" being crushed. A joke?

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kazbanz, Jun 20, 5:52pm
Hey guys I get that some young fella has had his car seized.
I get that as some symbolic gesture its going to be crushed.
The bit I really don't understand is why the flash sound system, flash wheels ,seats, engine and drivetrain were allowed to be taken out of the car before it was impounded. To me it makes a mockery of the whole thing.
Mind you for that matter again what I don't understand is why given the country is utterly broke why the car isn't carved up and the parts auctioned off -as parts

pico42, Jun 20, 5:55pm
What else should we expect with knee jerk legislation. At the time it was proposed/passed into law, many people realized that it was going to be very difficult to enforce. That appears to have been borne out.

username1000, Jun 20, 6:09pm
You cant use an engine, wheels, drivetrain, radio, without a car anyway so most likely these were sold.

saxman99, Jun 20, 6:38pm
Crushing perfectly good cars is obscene.I place it next to selling children into slavery.

Surely seeing their pride and joy get completely dismantled and have all its nice bits sold off to "whoever" would be quite adequate punishment for the owner.Everybody wins, except the muppet driver, who isn't supposed to.

By all means take their cars off them, but instead of destroying it deregister it and have a legal requirement that it cannot be used on the road again.It is then sold as parts only and dismantled.Underneath all the bling, wheels, stereos, bodykits and wings there are perfectly good standard panels, trims, fittings etc. which will all fit grandad's lancer and to trash them is a shocking waste of the world's resources.

granada, Jun 20, 7:04pm
Thank god it wasnt a gtho

36lafayette, Jun 20, 7:31pm
its great to see loved it hahahaha mite teach the shit to follow the laws like we have to

richardmayes, Jun 20, 7:34pm
Macaulay Metals' big crusher might not be powerful enough to flatten an engine block, a transmission casing and a diff casing individually, let alone all three at the same time!

But what a great photo op for Anne Tolley, standing on the top of the crushed car afterwards.

The "Your Momma's so fat." jokes would be awesome if this had happened ten years ago.

socram, Jun 20, 7:43pm
Totally agree.I am no greenie but hate this crushing/smashing up mentality.

Top Gear are bad at this too.To totally ruin a 70's super car's engine by running it without oil/water until it dies is just as bad.Even the unloved Marinas they crush would still yield useful parts.

tigra, Jun 20, 7:50pm
the pics I saw showeda car with a huge big dent in the side and there was some comment on th News last night about itbeing a delayed crushing because of a substitution.Maybe not the correct seized car! Anyway obviously its all highly symbolic and just a photo op for politicians and such like. I bet if wejump forward 12 months there will only have been a couple more crushed.

mileyfan73, Jun 20, 7:59pm
Three strike rule is ridiculous.Should be caught once,car is gone!We all know if they do it once they will do it again!Burnouts etc.Law is too leniant.

shuddupowh, Jun 20, 8:06pm dont agree. Some people may need that first warning. Doing a skid or having a little rade, could be a spru of the moment act and then bang, get caught, then they should (note that, should) think twice and drive like a normal person from then on. If not, thenthey are screwed. For example, some young fella showing off to his new GF or some old man trying to prove some teenager hes not the man blah blah. All ages are guilty of skids & racing.and no I do not condone it.

I also agree that crushing the car is a waste. So many of these cars have thousands of $s of parts on them which if stripped off and on-sold they could help restore other cars.and if there are performance parts and they dont want them sold to just anyone incase it goes on another street racers car simply sell to a performance shop OR a race team. Crushing is simply a huge waste.

bwg11, Jun 20, 8:13pm
Liberal rubbish. The poor wee darlings need a warning first. Shall we let them murder once too.

supernova2, Jun 20, 8:41pm
Did I read somewhere that if a car is impounderand sold that the proceeds of sale are returned to the owner!If that is correct can someone explain what the point of the exercise is!

freedomaira320, Jun 20, 8:41pm
What a load of politically motivated grandstanding this is. Sure, no problem with there being serious consequences on third strike for these twats, but squashing a poor old car in front of the cameras achieves nothing. Next step it will be a "badge of honour" for some of these chronically bad driversto tell their mates that their car got crushed. Facebook hero status here I come! Really, really dumb stuff from a govt that just seems to get dumber.

davidgb, Jun 20, 9:11pm
here's an idea - death race! put up a race track with tons of hazards and make boy racers do laps around it.

lawz_21, Jun 20, 9:14pm
the car apparently was registered in a friends name

quickbuck, Jun 20, 9:14pm
Already happened.

lordv81, Jun 20, 9:22pm
Those that think any laws such as the "crusher law " are good working models are just plane gullible and fall for whatever the media and government tell them.Since the law came in how many "boy racers" have died or killed other people!this stupid law does nothing to discourage or stop any boy racer no matter how much crusher Collins and the media hype it up.The law was a media exercise and a copy of other countries failed laws regarding cars and anti "hoon" laws.

dave653, Jun 20, 9:26pm
Then you have all the dropkicks that owe thousands in fines. Considering the gummint is trying to cut costs, why aren't they siezing cars till the fines are paid! They'd make a bloody fortune! And our schools, Police, fuel, etc might get off a bit lighter.

dr.doolittle, Jun 20, 9:35pm

saxman99, Jun 20, 9:56pm
Yeah, that's the only bit of TG I don't like.Everything else is gold.

elect70, Jun 20, 10:17pm
Well nothing elsehas changed hisroad behaviour , obvious;ly he is just going to keep doing it .4DIC s & you are up for prison. Should have taken it all, had plenty of warnings . RememberJohn Raehad his new Merc impoundedfor " sustained loss of traction"& lost licenceso could race hisTrans Am either .

socram, Jun 20, 10:54pm
I still think that getting a car licence before the age of 17 and no compulsory insurance means it is still far too easy to get on the road, spend money on the car, and still have a total disregard for the law.

This law is not changing the basic behaviour of these idiots at all.Wrong emphasis for the wrong reasons.

kzar, Jun 20, 11:11pm
The guy had no time to take the parts off as the Police had just taken it off him.He said that the Scrap metal place stripped the car.

quickstitch, Jun 21, 12:01am
how this for a senario. you just started dating a cops ex girlfriend. he follows you one night and pulls you up, and says you did a burnout at the last intersection. your car is off to the crusher. I think the three strike system is good as long as they impound the car then and there on the third strike.