Boy racer "car" being crushed. A joke?

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morrisjvan, Jun 22, 2:37am
lets see now , sell the car and put the proceedes INTO the taxpayers coffers or dip your hand into the taxpayers money to PAY for it to be crushed !Wow it's a complex decision, Hope they don't get it wrong.

compchick, Jun 22, 3:14am

jolly_26, Jun 22, 3:25am
Lets not go and make cars more expensive for youth, that really doesn't solve a thing. Will just mean the cars being thrashed around are slower, and then when they crash they survive. Who would want that!

ajayzbabe, Jun 22, 4:32am
What happens if there is finance owing on the vehicle! im sure a huge percentage dont acualy own them in full

howie69, Jun 22, 9:52pm
Me too. Boy racers and drunks are dangerous to have on our roads. Pity they cant leave the offender in the car and crush it

shuddupowh, Jun 23, 4:19am
#57. Yep, and then when the car is crushed the driver can then stop paying and what is the finance going to repo if they dont have anything! Usually the car is all they got. Then its the finance co who gets done over by this stupid law.

asa50, Jun 23, 6:06am
Hence a new question on finance forms
"Are you retarded enough to do burnouts on one of the most heavily policed roads in NZ!"

franc123, Jun 23, 7:01am
Yup, I think you can argue that there is a much wider society issue of bad/irresponsiblebehaviour on the road and bad attitudes towards driving and alcohol in general, which certainly isn't restricted to the boyracer stereotype that the media have created. Why just apply this crushing law just to them!

elect70, Jun 23, 10:58pm
Regardless if car is crushed the boy still has to pay the finance company . it was just security for the loan . not owned by them . Thats why they do it that way , Lucky not UK theyconnfiscateyour carat roadside for no tax & insurance .let alone doing burnouts . They havenumber plate recognition in all the patrol cars

brokebloke1, Jun 24, 12:06am
yes we saw this recently in london , we were speaking to a police officer and she said if any person is caught doing a burnout , doesnt matter if its first time or 5th time car is connfiscated and sold at a police Auction,
Also doesnt matter if they dont own car , she said they have connfiscated company cars ,mum and dad cars even a hearse! zero tolarance

taipan4, Jun 24, 12:37am
yup happened to as good as to a four year old kid in CHCH fitzgerald ave