Boy racer "car" being crushed. A joke?

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trogedon, Jun 21, 12:36am
Agreed. From what I've read they set some stuff up for disaster too.

sandndude, Jun 21, 1:27am
Love it, do more.

wayne472, Jun 21, 2:29am
Who cares who got the bits and peices!

Great to see this idiots car crushed,I am truely looking forward to seeing more go the same way!

trogedon, Jun 21, 2:32am
The Police should make it 2 strikes for rear wheel drive cars and 3 for FWD (it really is pretty uncool trying to do a burnout in a Mazda 323.)

quickbuck, Jun 21, 2:35am
I wonder if the minister slipped off the bonnet of the crushed car in her high heals, if she would get ACC!

trogedon, Jun 21, 2:37am
Yep, and she might get something up her ASS too.

woody1946, Jun 21, 2:58am
anyone for a flat white----(car)

quickbuck, Jun 21, 3:01am
Yup. Can't get ACC if you die after a wasp attach though.

tgray, Jun 21, 3:11am
Make it 2 strikes and then seize the car and auction it through Turners, with proceeds going to the crown. Easy.

timmo1, Jun 21, 3:15am
Yeah because doing a skid and murdering someone are sooooo alike

gammelvind, Jun 21, 3:23am
While I kind of agree, I think the point is that their pride and joy is totally gone, not able to be purchased back.I got the idea that the wreckers purchase the vehicle off the govt, and strip it, sell the bits and crush the body. End result the hoon learns there are consequences, you get to be a twit twice on the third effort you loose your car, immediatly and completely.

backup5, Jun 21, 3:28am
oh you people are a joke 2 strikes take car of them, depends what the two strikes are for fair enough if its doing burn outs and destoying the roads etc, but some times those new rules susstained loss of traction or that other one forget what it called some thing bout speeding up to 50 to fast some cops make them up to suit them selfs i mean i bet when ya were younger ya all did it at least once i know i did but these days take it to the track,But yer people get a life we all done it in our lifes i know some are worst than others but they shouldnt be called boy racers more like hoons and dnt care bout no one and as for the crushing of the cars they have to be dismandled before crushed so stop going on how they get a chance to take all there bits of etc

bad_boy_1, Jun 21, 3:50am
so the hoon gets to keep the motor and the mags and sounds ! whats that really saying hey we take ya car after youve got whats worth the most out of it :O

backup5, Jun 21, 3:53am
No they dnt i just said every thing has to be taken out before crushed not by the hoon by the crusher people

gammelvind, Jun 21, 3:54am
You haven't been listening have you. The wrecker gets the car "complete" and stips it. The hoons looses it all.

bad_boy_1, Jun 21, 3:59am
last yeah the news showed a car that the owner striped it down to a shell but if the wreckers doing it thats fine woulda been good to the whole lot go as one

gammelvind, Jun 21, 4:13am
I remember that tv article and did wonder myself, though I think the reporter may have ommitted some significant parts. Why let the facts get in the way of a good story. Too many of these hoons have grown up not knowing the realities of consequenses, now I think there may be a learning curve coming their way.

backup5, Jun 21, 4:15am
Exactly at last some one gets it lol they cant crush the whole car dnt think it will

movnon, Jun 21, 6:00am
Betcha the first time these lil turds get caught aint the first time they've done a burnout!
all power to seizing on first offence, but scrap the car for parts - might help the unpaid fines fund a bit.

movnon, Jun 21, 6:06am
yeah! well i witnessed a hoon do a wheelie from a give way, took another car out & came close to killing himself (too bad he survived). His car was full of piss & so was he, on a sat afternoon (out of town too). the car was rooted,that saved a crushing fee!

andrea_w, Jun 21, 6:08am
Why can't the same law apply to the real menace on the roads - drunk drivers. Get caught 3 times, your car gets crushed.
Too easy.!

lyingnun, Jun 21, 6:14am
I completely agree with you Andrea. There have to be consequences.

bad_boy_1, Jun 21, 6:18am
i agree with that dont agree with 1st time caught i got a ticket the other day bullshit too for over tAking on a corner yet i could see the whole road and it was clear for over 1km bloody *555

angelab, Jun 21, 5:48pm
Cops should shift the boy racer cars to another area and then use them as boy racer bait but the cost of getting them up to wof standards first would be prohibitive. They don't seem to have brakes here, all missing nose cones with intercoolers cable tied in place

elect70, Jun 21, 11:02pm
tough if his sounds &fl;ash wheels were on tickstill have to pay them off & the car probably . Still only take a few months to get enough $&to put deposit on another car &do it again . Dumb ass never learn .