Moisture in headlight

manddtrott, Jun 19, 5:28pm
I have a 1992 Toyota Corona and she has failed the warrant by having moisture in the headlight.Now, I need help. How do I get this out!The unit seems to be glued together.

eagles9999, Jun 19, 5:33pm
If you can remove it completely and place it a warm place (maybean oven on low providing there are no plastic bits)for awhile it may evaporate the moisture. Depends on how much moisture.Failing that probably a replacement one from a wreckers.

carmedic, Jun 19, 5:36pm
Take the side light bulb out.
Cover the lens with rag etc.
Switch on full beam until moisture evaporated (10 mins tops)

manddtrott, Jun 19, 5:38pm
sweet.Thanks for that advice.This old girl only fails on small things every time she goes for a warrant.She has clocked 444,450 kilometres so far.

tigra, Jun 19, 5:39pm
Good suggestion, hope the battery is in good nick tho.

tmenz, Jun 19, 6:24pm
Take out all the lamps. Run your vacuum cleaner on low with the hose on the blow end. Make sure it's not blowing out any dust. Blow it into one of the lamp holes from a distance of 100~150mm so it creates a gentle warm draught through the fitting. This will evaporate and carry the moisture out (be patient).

Then find out where the moisture is getting in and re-seal it!

redhead96, Jun 19, 6:31pm
When I had that problem on one of my cars I got told to use a hair dryer. It worked.

manddtrott, Jun 19, 6:34pm
Hi, well it worked!The turning the engine on and having lights on full beam for a while.Now to seal it and away we go.Thanks for all the suggestions.

the.wife, Jun 19, 7:16pm
Which is why you leave the engine running.

craigsmith, Jun 19, 8:24pm
You have to flush the air out with cool dry air before you seal it. Heating it up just allows the air inside the enclosure to absorb more moisture. If it remains the same, when it cools down it will just condense out again.

807, Jun 19, 11:07pm
.that's a lot of K's .

eagles9999, Jun 19, 11:23pm
I got failed recently because one of my foglights had moisture in it.Considering I never use them it seemed a bit harsh.

manddtrott, Jun 19, 11:31pm
We bought her as a *fill in car*.That one you buy while you look for the one you really want. Eight years later she has been the best car I have ever owned.Just keeps on going.500,000 just around the corner.

zooki007, Jun 20, 1:22am
New update in the WOF VIRM says some moisture is OK in any light. If it is only misty - its OK, if it has droplets forming= FAIL.