Car Insurance. Does antone know the best place to go for this i have just brought a 2004 holden commodore ss it is a 57 litre ma

jessie01, Jun 19, 12:27am
does antone know the best place to go for this. i have just brought a 2004 holden Commodore SS. it is a 5.7 litre manual no modifications. thanks

jessie01, Jun 19, 12:49am
i have just phoned ami and they quoted 47.63 a month which is extremely cheap i thought. i pay 34 now for my 1995 ss commodore and its a 5 litre. my new one is a 5.7

andrea_w, Jun 19, 12:52am
Where ever you keep your phone is the best place to go. then you can use the phone to ring different insurance companies to get a variety of quotes, then you can choose which one is best for you.
No one can tell you which is/isn't the best, there are WAY too many variables.

fordcrzy, Jun 19, 12:55am
get a gps 170 bucks you can spend and much cheaper than an insurance excess

jessie01, Jun 19, 12:59am
I am buying a 2004 Holden Commodore ss 5.7 litre does anyone know if these have a dual immobiliser in it or is it something that needs to be installed seperately. it makes all the difference to the insurance costs

kazbanz, Jun 19, 4:12am
factory they won't be

andrea_w, Jun 19, 4:44am
What's the need to bump!
I gave you everything you need to know in my first post
Your car will likely have a transponder - the key "talks" to the ignition, if the two aren't paired together, the car won't start