Yes it's factory, were meant for a different market, a quick google should tell you what sort of engine is in it.
Oct 7, 1:59am
aha I shouldn't be so lazy version of the Holden VS Commodore sedan, built in Australia and sold exclusively in New Zealand. While in similar specification to the Calais also sold in New Zealand, the Royale featured the front-end of the Holden VS Caprice, the alloy wheels from the Holden VS Berlina and 2.5-litre X25XE V6 engine manufactured by Opel. These cars sold in very small numbers through Ebbett Waikato dealerships in 1998 as they were a cancelled Singapore order which could not be sold in Australia but were compliant for sale in New Zealand
Oct 7, 2:16am
i wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot barge pole
Oct 7, 2:22am
120 HP per tonne.yum yum.
Oct 7, 2:24am
You maybe stuck for parts at some stage,Engine is a Opel straight six
Its obvious from the photograph that this particular car is a 2.5L quad cam V6, not a straight six.A 2.6L in line engine was used in the VP Calais, again it was an SE Asia spec model, of which a few ended up here.Speaking from experience with similar V6 engines fitted to Vectras I'd say avoid it like the plague, it won't be any more economical than a 3.8 and will be both relatively hard and expensive to fix, and of course is belt driven.I strongly suspect that these things ended up here because Holden Oz would have been too embarrassed to sell them locally in their own patch, no doubt they would have some BS excuse like it didn't comply with some ADR regulation or something, although to its credit it will be faster than a Starfire engined VC or VH lol.Getting rid of it again will also be a problem, a local yard traded one and it was still there two years later, nobody wanted it at any price when they found out what was under the bonnet.
Oct 7, 4:51am
When I worked for holden we had one come in. talked with owner, he said heavy on gas, gutless and v. hard to get parts. we had to order from overseas. I would steer clear if I were you, vs's are cheap enough in 3.8 form
Oct 7, 7:44am
They are kind of a "bitza". With the Caprice grill and some Statesman like features but in other areas is pretty basic. They are labeled as an Ecotec sometimes. They also have twin throttle bodies and run a V8 air box. But I dont think you will find 4 cams as suggested in a previous post.
Oct 7, 8:15am
I had the option to buy one but went with the domestic V6 model instead, a mate had one that came with a letter from holden that they would source parts without charging extra freight. We never put them side by side for performance but he had no issues or complaints with his. South African market apparently
Oct 7, 10:43am
Yes you will. It's a quad cam 24 valve engine 54deg V6 engine. Same engine in the same era Vectra B V6's.
Oct 7, 1:55pm
If that's the case parts wouldn't be a problem' & a Vectra miil can be used as a RWD using this trans, double bonus all-round.
Oct 7, 3:35pm
I stand corrected lol. And whqqsh, I was told they were from a South African that fell through too. Mainly distributed from the Hamilton Holden dealer.
Oct 7, 3:56pm
You still wouldn't buy one in preference to a 3.8.About the only advantage I can think of putting the two engines back to back is that the Vectra V6 is obviously much newer technologically and is a smoother and more refined unit and being QOHC and multivalve etc will behave better at higher RPM.But with not delivering the same power and lower down torque than the old Buick engine while using a similar amount of fuel overall whats the point!
Oct 7, 4:15pm
Could well be, that would make sense.If that engine was already used by Opel in a RWD installation it would be a straightforward fit into any of the Commodores.I wonder what the transmission is!
Oct 7, 4:57pm
My father had the 3 litre one, it went really well, better then the 3.8's i have driven, trans was very responsive which gave it a good deal of poke, car would do Dunedin to Christchurch and back on a tank, that was using cruise control and my dad is in his 70's. For the money they sell for they are a lot of car a mv6 sold in Waimate recently for a grand.
Oct 7, 11:31pm
yep same engine. The VT Commodore was actually based on that above Omega B platform, while the VN-VS was based on the earlier generation Omega A.
Oct 7, 11:42pm
hi you may find its based on a skyline motor as same where in older models
Oct 7, 11:48pm
Uhmm no. Stick to your Jags. the "skyline motor" in the VL was the RB20/30E straight six and was only used in the VL. The VP/VR S.E.Asia model with the straight six is the Opel C26NE engine while the VS Royale has the Opel X25XE Ecotec 54deg V6 engine, as you can see the same engine is fitted to the Opel Omega B.
Oct 7, 11:50pm
The engines being discussed here are the Opel X25 and 30XE, they are not related in any way to Nissan RB's lol.
Oct 7, 11:57pm
he might be confused with the earlier S.E. Asian models which had the 2.6L straight six, but that was a non-crossflow Opel C26NE engine as used in the Omega A.
Oct 7, 11:57pm
Oct 8, 12:56am
gee there are some tossers on here,weston yer blacklisted you l wonder why, clearly l was right about you, full of it mate, try to grow up,
Oct 8, 1:00am
thats right was selling a jag on here and you a pack of other not so bright winners on here, asking dope,ethings,funny how it is all wises the same ones on here,a,
Oct 8, 1:35am
full of it! pardon me! you're the one trying to say that VS Royale has a Skyline motor in it. Look at my trademe feedback history then look at yours. At least I don't have a reputation to be difficult to deal with like you were with your Jag auction. Other than merely adding your jag auction to my watchlist, I have had zero to do with you so I don't know why you added me to your blacklist and why you felt the need to bump up the views of my auction at the time by 10,000. I only blacklisted you before you blacklisted me because I saw that you were leaving nasty comments on the auctions of the other people who added your jag to their watchlists but did not bid. I didn't want your crap spamming up my auctions.
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