1996 328i BMW?

pugmyre, Jun 16, 2:20am
Any particular gremlins in this model that we should be aware of!Any info appreciated.Thank you.

carlz05, Jun 16, 2:33am
They always have gremlins.They live in BMW's.Have owned a couple they're ok, just be prepared every time you take them to a mechanics it will cost $500 - $1000.Cheers.

fiatracer, Jun 16, 2:35am
not really, servicing is important though. Unless there's documente dproof you MUST replace water pump and themrostat [c. $600 all up] and carefully check radiator and hoses. Cooling system is slightly fragile, and very important. apart from that, great engine. Assume it;s a 3 series sedan - known for interiors that fall apart/get tatty except for the last of them.

pugmyre, Jun 16, 2:46am
It's a 1996 6 cylinder M Sport.

mugenb20b, Jun 16, 3:55am
You mean.highly!

elect70, Jun 17, 12:03am
Ive had same for 3 yearsprevowned byboy racer& noproblemsat 260 k18"mags & 245 tyressogetpicked on by plod. Just do regular service