What is the Differance between legal and registered owner of a vehical as I understand they can be different persons. What paperwork is accossiated with each status!
Aug 7, 5:30pm
Registered owner is just the person who is responsible for the vehicle. Legal owner is the person that can prove they've purchased the vehicle.
Aug 7, 5:39pm
as above--but the two aren't mutually exclusive. a person normally is both
Aug 7, 8:19pm
There is no official paperwork to denote the legal owner (just as there is no legal paperwork to denote the legal owner of your toaster).
The registered owner is what you use a change of ownership form for.
Sep 21, 11:06am
^^ reciept of purchase is only thing that denotesthe legal owner, registered owner just means your the 1 the parking fines are sent to,rego papers are not legal title to the vehicle .
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