Old ali ute body I.D, need info etc please

taipan4, Aug 7, 7:17pm
with those mudguards it's gotta be english possibly vauxhall

nathanmac, Aug 7, 7:29pm
Very cool, looks like a campervan for a dwarf!Maybe it was fitted to a Bradford or Austin ute or something! The rear axle is a long way forward so was a pretty small vehicle

nathanmac, Aug 7, 7:31pm
Inside the back doors and that rain gutter makes it look NZ made to me, possibly a one-off!

saffa2, Aug 7, 7:33pm
Looks to me like A40 wheel covers trimmed to fit, so probably a coachbuilt rear body built for one.

whqqsh, Aug 7, 7:36pm
thats why Ive never understood the new craze of teardrop campers. I've never thought of it as a camper conversion but its one of the first things many mention. I just thought it would be a cool retro covered trailer & parts hauler

skin1235, Aug 7, 7:43pm
butchers van or bread van circa 50's, commonly on either morrie 1000 chassis or A35 ( pre A40 Austin), back in the day when every butcher did more business on the roadside while doing deliveries than in the shop, they used to shut the doors at 4pm, chuck all the trays in the van and any orders to be delivered and off they'd go, sell more to the neighbours than they actually delivered

nathanmac, Aug 7, 7:43pm
Aren't they just a cheap light way of having a camper that smaller modern vehicles can tow! Don't know too much about them but they're probably built a bit smarter now than the old caravan we had when I was a kid that you needed a huge car to tow.

Looks like you'd need to be a contortionist (or very very short) to stretch out in your wee beast - would just about fit in the back of a Jailbar panel wouldn't it!!Will be cool to see it finished.

rob_man, Aug 7, 7:59pm
The first thing I thought of when I saw it was A40, maybe the shape of those guards pushed some subliminal buttons.
A40 Devon.

whqqsh, Aug 7, 8:15pm
the idea was to tow it behind the Jailbar but the Y suspension has dropped it quite a bit, the Delivery dwarfs the trailer now & might look a bit out of place. Putting it inside has been commented on lol,. No worries, towed it 4 times & had 5 offers to buy so its not as if Id have trouble getting rid of it.

nathanmac, Aug 7, 11:50pm
you'll just have to drop the jailbar a bit more to level things up!

whqqsh, Aug 8, 12:01am
nah, the lowering fad is all too gay for my liking!

nathanmac, Aug 8, 12:17am
it is a rod isn't it! i think i remember seeing a pic you posted a year or so back in primer!

whqqsh, Sep 24, 9:01pm
c'mon guys, I really was hoping for some old bugger to do the 'oh yeah, when I was young they used to build those at.', oh well I'll keep digging.