Mazda Familia tyres

sewing_girl, Jul 18, 1:31am
Has anyone here put 195x14s on a Mazda Familia, they normally have 185s but 195s are just a bit wider

twink19, Jul 18, 1:33am
no real advantage, just more drag

franc123, Jul 18, 1:40am
Unless you could pick up a set of 195/60/14's at a razor sharp price compared to 185's I wouldn't bother, no real advantage in it.

bwg11, Jul 18, 1:42am
I've used both, 185/65 and 195/60, at the time I could get a premium tyre in 195/60 (Dunlop FM901) at a good price. Don't think an extra 5 mm would add much drag.

sewing_girl, Jul 18, 3:26am
My brother gave me 2 195s and a mechanic told me they might be too wide

sewing_girl, Jul 18, 3:27am
What does drag mean!

twink19, Jul 18, 3:44am
drag, more tyre width than needed takes more to turn wheels, as op said, not worth it unless real cheap price, and could rub on rear wheel arches and on fron on full turning

johnf_456, Jul 18, 3:58am
195 will be fine. A lot of cars run 195 now days, is it a sports model or the nana spec 1.3 auto! 195 will not rub but it depends on offset and if they are factory rims.

hatchback, Jul 18, 4:41am
They be fine, just put them on the back

outbidyou2, Jul 18, 5:28am

sewing_girl, Jul 18, 6:12am
Thanks for the help. they will be going on the back. I think its a 1500 model and its auto

cowlover, Jul 18, 7:31am
Back in the 80's i used to run 195/60 14 instead of 185/65 14 on my Renaults.Only because in those days a 185/65 14 was an "odd" tyre and hard to get.Was never a problem on 6 different cars but the 7th used to rub on the LR mudflap.Have no idea why so sometimes you just need to try and see.

guest, Sep 25, 12:10pm
What I most want you to know about my religion is... perlanolsy and honestly: Bismillah, it's not the religion of Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (peace and blessings be upon him). It's His, Most Merciful, The Source. It's beyond the cliche9s of; just about prayer mats, long beards, hijaab, Arabs etc. It's a way of life. It's based on the Oneness of God- just the same like what'd the past Prophets (peace be upon them) promoted, it's both constant and flexible, it's comprehensive- covering a whole lifetime, and it's for all of us! I believe in Him and I believe Him. And Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (PBUH), for me the story of him is no man-made or just a legend, it's real and rational. He's the chosen one. Some might thought it's mad to follow or imitate a man who'd lived on many centuries back in today's life. My advice is, read about him, from the genuine sources, you'll fall in love with him. I take Quran more than just a holy book, I even perlanolsy call it My Love-letters'. It's the words of God, revealed to Muhammad (PBUH). The language is eloquent, perfect. Some would've give me goosebumps, make me touched, heal my pain, give me ideas, open my mind and more. Do take a look, you'll find a massive of things in it! And I just realize that, so far it's the only book been memorized by a bunch of people! Now, could we ever memorize a novel/book, each words in it, from the front to the last page? Hm, yup, Islam is my religion, and it's a way of life. Without it, I'm nobody. And for being blessed with Islam and faith towards Him, it makes me somebody. Anyway, sorry for any lacks, just would love to share. Thanks! Amirah, 20, Kuala Lumpur MY, I'm a student, daughter, sister and still trying my best to be His good servant, day by day.

guest, Sep 26, 12:19pm
DarrenI am a Christian, and what I most want you to know about my religion is that we are not all nrarow-minded haters as we are so often (and all too often, accurately) portrayed. The reason I follow Christ is because of his message of Love as the highest ethic. To me that translates into advocating for the weakest of our society, working for justice for the oppressed, and equality for all people. I believe in a God who is love and who loves everyone and I believe that most of us are closer together than we think we are all, as a religious community, striving to know God and serve God and attempting to live out our lives in ways that honour God. I think we are never further away from that ideal as we are when we draw dividing lines that separate us from them and hope we can all learn to love each other as God loves us now.Darren42 / M / Vancouver, Canada

guest, Sep 28, 9:49am
What I most want you to know about Islam is our Prophet taught us to emeowpr the sinners. Yes, the sinners. He taught us to hate the sins, and not the sinners. To define someone based on his/her sins is, to me, unjust. Who among us is free of sin? If we attach everything that a person is to his/her sin, how is he/she going to move on pass the past mistakes and become better people? If a thief is forever known as a thief even after he/she repented, then how will he/she move on? We should acknowledge the inner struggles of every human being and emeowpr them to rise above those struggles. We should fertilize our hearts with compassion, before our hearts get barren. Peace be upon all of you.