Two of the tail-lights on our car seem to be not working.They are the inner brake lights on the part of the boot that pops open.The plate lights work fine, and the outer brake lights also are fine.I've examined the two bulbs, and they look fine to me, filaments intact. What would be the next most likely culprit! A fuse!
Any help appreciated, cheers.
Oct 17, 8:25pm
Lamps can look fine but still be faulty! Substitution or a multimeter check is the only way to be sure. Otherwise it could be a dirty/loose/corroded connector where the boot lid flexible loom is plugged into the main loom or a faulty ground/chassis connection. Unlikely to be a fuse.
Oct 17, 9:00pm
Out of the tail lights. are the ones not working ONLY on the part that lifts up! If so, there might be a broken wire in the loom between the car and the boot. Constant opening and shutting can cause wires to break
Dec 31, 6:01am
Correct, the only lights not working are on the lift up part of the boot . however the plate lights on the same section of the boot ARE still working.
Thanks for the pointers. I'll have a better look at the wiring and the connectors and see if I can spot any problems.I think it's more likely to be wiring than the bulbs, since they're both out. but I'll replace one if I find nothing else wrong and double check.
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