I am looking for 4 of theses batteries for my

elaine186, Aug 4, 6:05am
ezi rider scooter 4 unity 12V17Ah

intrade, Aug 4, 6:25am
try google nz only i got me a new battery from digitech via google for my booster starter

matarautrader, Aug 4, 6:25am
Buy from any electrical wholesaler ie JA Russell, Ideal , Jaycar, Corys

jasongroves, Aug 4, 6:52am
Over 3 months now.why didn't you just buy the ones listed on TM back in May!

elaine186, Aug 4, 6:54am
why is cause i dont want to pay that much ok money doesnt run out of my ass why do u have to be so noisy for if u dont have the answer like everyone else does go back to school and get some manners

net_oz, Aug 4, 12:47pm
Some people just don't deserve help.

bill-robinson, Aug 4, 2:49pm
well just wait till they are on special at briscoes, or the warehouse

gammelvind, Aug 4, 3:05pm
Whoa! That was a strong response for what appears a straight forward answer.
Batteries, ones that last anyway are expensive.

74nova, Aug 4, 4:29pm
You'll get raped if you go to somewhere like an electrical wholesaler or jaycar. Try Intek Security, only problem you'll need an account there.

bigfatmat1, Aug 4, 4:38pm
exide batteries a auto electrician

gmphil, Aug 4, 5:34pm
Go see ray battery guy takanini straight nxt to money shop hel see u rite