I need a new one, Friend says go for anExide, anyone had bad /good experience or recommend another brand. My car is a Camry. thanks, Julie
Dec 6, 3:09am
Exide is a leading NZ brand. Can't go wrong.
Dec 6, 3:20am
In the case of Exide batteries, they ain't that cheap at TWH!
Dec 6, 3:26am
And you will find that Exide batteries wear a lot of different stickers. Repco and Motogard (if they are still about) are exide in disguise. bound to be more.
Dec 6, 5:26pm
this is actually incorrect they are no longer exide but century the battery company pays for the name but in that case exide did not see the point in paying $250000 for the repco name.
I would personaly recommend exide I find endurant century and supercharge batteries to be crap. I see more warranties form these batteries than exide but hey thats just imo
Dec 6, 5:50pm
cool story lol I have replaced 20 year old batteries b4 as well, seen exide batteries straightof shelf that are no good, but overall the batteries that I see fail the most in there warranty period are in this order, Thor, supercharge, century, aa, hellaNb some exide and all aa batteries are made by the same people (atlas bx) I am just basing my opinion over a sample basis of batteries I replace which is small in relation to national battery sales but gives a indication. Its like any brand ya get some real good ones and some duds but some just make more duds than others,
Dec 6, 6:35pm
My brother used to work for a car dealership in their parts department, and they would use the batteries to charge their radio controlled cars at lunch etc. Throw them on the charger when they thought that they needed it. So it wouldn't surprise me that people were getting dud brand new batteries.
Dec 6, 7:42pm
I have bought Exides for past 15 yearsfrom WH& always had a good run out of them.5-6 years at least ,the last Century I boughthad bad contact between inner terminals & the outer lead shell, had to put a big PK screw trough the terminals . Then it only lasted 3 years .
Dec 6, 7:46pm
disscharging then recharging a battery while it is sitting on the shelf is the best thing you can do for it. The battery that sits for a few months without being touched is more likely to see an early death than the one powering the RC cars.
Dec 6, 9:26pm
Actually Century Yuasa have the least returns vs sales out of all battery company's, hence the reason why repco and supercheap use Yuasa and not exide.also (not that i have a problem with exide batteries as i actually have a exide battery in one of my cars), but they do have a thinner side wall compared to a mf century battery.I think exide batteries are ok/good, but they are not as good as Century Yuasa.
Dec 6, 9:54pm
+1 Our workplace have switched to Century and we have far less claims to go back - the difference is huge!
Dec 6, 10:22pm
do you work for century batteries
Dec 6, 10:29pm
link to your statistics! lol
Dec 6, 11:17pm
mr century has vanished.finding the link
Dec 6, 11:38pm
should be prove enough.your obviously someone that has ''EXPERIENCE''- in sales of batterys.
I've sold century batteries for years,not anymore thou, and I'm not going to search for alink to prove im right and there prob isn't 1 anyway which is the reason none of you know any better! im talking from knowing the guys at century some of which have been there for nearly 20years and know for a fact that there better than exide because century has a less amount of returns.after all why else would repco change from exide to century, but i couldn't give a rats if you believe me or not.after all its just a opinion(but a good 1).cheers
Dec 7, 12:08am
actually you made a claim and quoted a fact that would have to based on statistical data. Not an opinion. There is a difference. Of course a century salesman is going to say that about his product he sells if he has been doing it for 20 years he would attend sales courses that drum bullshit into your head. Just like some of the shit I hear from the exide branch managers about their product and competitors which I know is not true just sales pitches and crap also the same as the hcb salesman that comes into work and says his product is the best and we should switch to them cause our warranties will be less
Dec 7, 12:41am
and all batteries are sold on price! (to the trade ) workshops dont care what it isas long as they make huge margin tell me im wrong garages
Dec 7, 12:49am
we sell according to price margin we push more of one brand because the profit is greater
Dec 8, 3:24am
why else would repco change suppliers! could be they get a better deal, nothing to do with quality or warrantry claims ( the suppliers would make sure repco were looked after)
Dec 8, 3:55am
exactly, any problems with batteries are the suppliers/manufacturers, not theirs!The retailer is only a customer interface, nothing more nothing less.
Dec 8, 4:04am
Yeah, all their products are the best quality, Tui thanks! There are many reasons for Repco to change suppliers, mainly the ones that rebate them the most on sales!
Dec 8, 4:06am
Look for a Century, Exide or Endurant in the size you want and buy the best priced one.
Dec 8, 8:37pm
Repco ,SC etc are just like M10bunningsTHEY dictate the price they will pay , Exide said wouldnt dis count further so went to century . Yet the wharehouse sells Exide, & at least they are made InNZ so keeps some people employed .
Dec 8, 8:45pm
Last week I picked up a Repco battery for the inlaws for $140, got $10 for old battery (Century), they got over just over 3 years on their Century battery. We'll see how long this Repco one lasts, it comes with 2yr warranty.
Dec 9, 12:18am
repco batteries are century
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