Alarm Help Please

sr2, Aug 1, 3:58am
Bump, I hoped we had some alarm experts on this MB!

bigfatmat1, Aug 1, 4:04am
Not all switches are labelled the same! but answer to your question. Do you want a bypass switch so you still have imobiliser! or do you just want to bypass it the switch would need to be rated to 20a.

sr2, Aug 1, 4:22am
I thought I'd use a hidden switch so I could still use the immobiliser. The relay is rated at 20 amps into a resistive load and I was planning on using a similarly rated switch. We??

bigfatmat1, Aug 1, 5:03am
The way you suggest will work fine. I have seen the v2600 at repco for $160 much better alarm than the v1600

sr2, Aug 1, 5:40am
Thanks mate, I'll have a look.