Why the **** would anyone with a shred of common sense voluntarilyreduce the visibility through the windscreen!! That's right up there with tinting tail lights/head lights/indicators. The owner of that is future candidate for a Darwin Award.
Jul 31, 6:26am
It's OK guys, he has his seat rails to low he cant see out the windscreen anyway so what the hell does it matter!
Jul 31, 3:51pm
70% is the darkest allowable tint on windscreens.
What a winner!
Jul 31, 5:13pm
100 minus 70 equals 30.Maybe he's just backwards.Now that was much more Pc than retarded!
Jul 31, 5:21pm
35% you n so knowledgeable ppl. Lol. And none on windscreen baring a 100mm strip along top
Jul 31, 5:27pm
Unfortunately the shade is the amount of light let through the tint, not the amount of tint.70% tint is 70% of the light gets through not 30%.
With a tint that only allows 35% of the light through, I would say he definitely is backwards (retarded)
Would be like driving at night with your sunglasses on.
Just like the clowns with their seats mount straight to the floor or leaning so far back that you can only see the tip of their basball cap, that is being worn sideways, above the dashboard.Just as long as it fits their idea of "cool".
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