We picked our car up from being reparied at a mechanics (head gaskets) and on the way home the D4 light started flashing even if you were not in D4. Had car for 3 days now and the D4 starts flashing after about 5mins driving. Any one know what this means, is it costly and could it have been the mechanics doing or just coincidence it has happened now! Our stereo is also started playing up same day, sound goes altogether and have to turn off to get it back on, not sure if thats related at all though. Thanks : )
Jul 28, 4:20pm
The computer, for the transmission, has stored a fault code. Get it scanned to se what it represents. Often a speed sensor fault.
Jul 28, 7:10pm
Thanks. Can this be done at any mechanics!
Jul 28, 7:22pm
NO fault you have noted is related to a replacement head gasket UNLESS maybee the whole engine was swapped rather than doing a head gasket. So go to the guy who did the work and put a scanner on it--if theres a real fault best to fix it-if its a fake code then as beart says its a reset. the rtadio is just bad timing
Jul 28, 7:35pm
Thanks. Guy that fixed it is 3hrs away so will just go to our local one and see what he says. Figured radio would be unrelated but thought I'd check anyway.
Aug 9, 9:14pm
Okay so 2 scans later (2 bills too lol) and it seems it is the speed sensor. Mechanic still unsure what to do and is calling me back on Monday. In the meantime I'm trying to reassure myself it's not going to cost heaps. Please tell me i'm right ???
Aug 9, 9:57pm
What year is your Odyssey! And what engine! 2.2, 2.3 or the 3.0 litre V6!
Aug 9, 10:25pm
It's a 95 not sure about the engine but think it's 2.2.
Aug 9, 10:50pm
I have the same vehicle, but never had that problem. OK, is the transmission selecting all four gears!
Aug 9, 11:15pm
Yes, i have not found any issues with the car other than the D4 flashing. It flashes no matter what the car is in. So if it's in D3 the D3 light will be on and the D4 flashes too. ETA: sorry about the delayed answers, will try popping back sooner this time :)
Aug 10, 12:32am
it seems to be a honda thing as i just did some reading and same thing happened to this guy had engine work done and D4 light starts flashing couple days after he got it back
Aug 10, 8:57am
Disconnect the battery for 30s which will reset the computer systems. If the fault is still present, the computer will pick it up and make the light flash again, and you'll need to get it fixed. If it was just a momentary glitch the D4 light will behave normally and you have nothing to worry about.
Aug 10, 5:13pm
Thanks for that but the guy already did that. I got excited as it didn't flash straight away but started up again the next day:(
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