(WOMAN) went out test driving cars today.

gunhand, Jul 28, 1:49am
We (I) have decided it might be time to update the people mover so the wife myself and tribe went looking today. Found a Toyota Will, Mazda MPV and a Nissan which we kinda liked but the back seat arangement wasn't what we wanted.
Anyway test drove the MPV which she liked but it has a bigger motor and larger overall and not a great deal quicker (not overly important) than what we have.We would have test drove others but in the 4 yards we looked at not a salesmen to be seen!
Now heres the kicker. We decided that after driving the MPV and getting back into ours there really wasn't $8k difference in them.BUT, we still came home with a new washing machine.was I suckered here lol.

c_h_l, Jul 28, 1:58am
Haha we went out to buy a washing machine about 15mths ago and came home with a car, the mrs was not impressed

modie61, Jul 28, 1:58am
Lol,gun,your funny. When youve got a tribe,the washing machine is very important.

gunhand, Jul 28, 2:02am
The old one still worked.made an odd noise sometimes but still washed fine lol, mind you the new front loader is quite trick.

r15, Jul 28, 2:02am
hope you didnt buy a rubbish fisher and paykel

gunhand, Jul 28, 2:03am
NO, no and no. Thats all I used to buy but no more.

clck2, Jul 28, 2:52am
What were the yards that had no salespeople !

gunhand, Jul 28, 2:59am
3 of the bigger ones in innvers, not that many people about but no salesmen to be seen. And we went through one yard twice. Useually they come say gidday.
Spose I coulda went lookin for them. But in the large outfit that sold us the washer I wasover run with sales staff.

clck2, Jul 28, 3:09am
Yeah I don't think that would happen in auckland

969pnz, Jul 28, 3:31am
Arrived home one night and confessed to buying four new tyres. All was sweet till she went outside and found they were fitted to a new truck! Seriously though,you're a married man,what else did you expect!

trogedon, Jul 28, 3:40am
"the wife" , "the mrs" - haven't we got better ways to refer to our spouses than that! It makes them sound like the home appliance.

kwdriver, Jul 28, 3:45am
Yes it should be "My Wife" or "My Mrs" lol

gunhand, Jul 28, 3:46am
Umm,yea a few others, but most will get you slapped, and no sex for at least a month. Some less offensive could be.
Better half (debatable) old woman (not yet) her (not the best) Bitch (female dog and dosn't go down well) significant other (to lengthy)She who must be obeyed ( yea but again lengthy) love (we are men). So wife dosn't sound to bad I thought lol.

saxman99, Jul 28, 3:47am
If the shoe fits.

trogedon, Jul 28, 3:52am
Single man! (soon!)

snoopy221, Jul 28, 4:17am
(Inserts-sorta can be made to sound endearing-or like !Woof!- dawg speak for biarch)
Oh and short-LOL

thejazzpianoma, Jul 28, 4:52am
I think you forgot "Minister of Finance"

thejazzpianoma, Jul 28, 4:53am
BTW, coming home with a Washing Machine is what happens when you don't test drive a Touran or a Multipla.

Mind you a Multipla in Gore. the locals might form a posse and run you out of town with flaming torches and pitch forks.

franc123, Jul 28, 4:58am
More likely it would result in divorce or committal to the local psychiatric unit.

gunhand, Jul 28, 5:03am
Can not say Ive seen any local Multiplas. But there are a few Wills turning up and there a bit odd(I meant Wish in first post to) looking, oh and a couple of those god awfull honda SUV things.
And we havent lynched anyone here for well over a week.

treachug, Jul 28, 5:05am
But then again, in Gore a Multipla might be considered space age.

snoopy221, Jul 28, 5:18am
we havent lynched anyone here for well over a week.

gunhand (246 )10:03 pm, Sat 28 Jul #22

Yer a worry-LOL

net_oz, Jul 28, 12:23pm
Wife! Kids! People mover! Washing machine!
Jeeze mate, tie a knot in it.

kazbanz, Jul 28, 2:10pm
my wimmenz is happy as long as I calls her-right now anyfing at all--jes sayin.