my 88 mitsi mirage let me down a few months back(lost all its power) but i nursed it to a mechanic. He popped the air filter cover off and found it chockka with oil. I told him the guy from oil changers reckoned it was a dodgy PCV valve but the mechanic said that was bulls%$t and that my car didnt have one. He went so far to say that it was "impossible" for oil to get in there and asked if someone may have poured oil in there deliberately (No). He cleaned it out, whacked in another filter and told me it would all be sweet. And sweet it was.until 6am yesterday when it did it again in the "worst possible place". Got towed back to mechanic and he said exactly the same thing happened and once again he cleaned it out and sent me on my way after saying its impossible for oil to get in there. Surely its not some godly "miracle"! He still poo pooed my PCV valve suggestion but not before charging me 60 bucks. I know its a crappy old car but its served me well and is a great work hack apart from the oil in airbox problem the cars cool.Please help/put me on the right track! Thanks!
Jul 20, 1:35am
How long was it "sweet" before the car played up again!
Jul 20, 1:35am
And yes, PCV is on top of the rocker cover.
Jul 20, 1:47am
About 3 months, cheers mate!
Jul 20, 1:49am
Of course it has a PCV valve everything built since the early 70s has your mechanics a fool get a real one
Jul 23, 5:47am
PCV stands for positive crankcase ventilation designed to remove blowby gases which get past piston rings,pull the hose off and see how much blowby is coming out of hose rings could be worn or it could have leaking head gasket.Block the hole into air cleaner and extend hose down under car to get ride of gases rough but it works.
Jul 23, 10:45pm
Thats normal for a Mitsubishi, they always fill the air cleaner up with blowby oil,some people modify(shift) the blowby mount on the air cleaner housing so the blowby doesnt go thru the air cleaner element but goes straight down the carb (common modification back on the early 80s Mitsis)
Jul 23, 11:34pm
good stuff you guys thanks very much
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