One of our cars has an Alpine alarm, model 8426A. It works well but only have the one remote which is starting to be really hit and miss. Replaced battery a while ago, the problem is physical wear and tear on buttons etc. So, can all the door locks etc etc from the alarm be used if I get a new alarm installed, or is it not interchangeable with todays alarms! Other alternative is to find the brain of it and disable it.but thenrun the risk of not being able to start it. Any ideas! Haven't had much luck finding a new remote body.Cheers.
Avs are junk takes car theives under 5 min to bypass n all it takes is a few diy jumper leads with spade crimp sockets. Get a cobra or autowatch. These two have very hard to infiltrate body that contains the brain of the alarm circuit. You want alarm with temperproof body.
Jul 21, 12:21pm
On that premise all alarms are junk then !lol ,asnone are "Tamper Proof"you may haveread one wee snippet some wherein google about an easy opened case with avs& concluded they are all junk!AVSare arequality alarm systemswith very good options available .very commendable , for cars trucks /buses or even motorcycles.note: the key word for any alarm system is " deterrent" andat that AVS offers it all.
Jul 21, 2:24pm
if a alarm then only a silent gps tracker like snitch that way you will get your car back rest is usless junk. i snipped the mongoose within 3 minutes and i never seen or disarmed a caralarm before . whacked it in the rubish as soon as i cut off all wires.
Jul 21, 3:09pm
Why pay a company so much money to install n monitor your gps when you can do it yourself. Its not like they'll send a security guard when your car goes wondering. Avs is apparently a star rating whereas cobra n autowatch are on thatcham which is alot tougher to get a good rating. If one can get into an avs casing that easily, its a worry is it not! Unidens, mongoose, avs, dynatrons steel sheild, anyslarm with star ratings are rubbish. Dont have to take my word, but just fyi. This is very sourced from an honest alarm installer who aint out there just for money. He installs all these listed slarms but points out the weakpoints when i gt my autowatch installed. I had avs in the past n thought it was da bomb till he showed me how easy it was to unclip once you get to it n most lazy installers just shove it near the steering column somewhere.
Jul 21, 5:51pm
Forget about an alarm - just install a good immobiliser with GPS tracking. No one takes any notice of car alarms, even thieves aren't worried about them.
Jul 21, 6:11pm
Re the original question: Can the doorlocks etc from the original alarm be used! Yes, but a professional installer may not be prepared to do so.
Most wreckers have a drawer full of alarm remote bodys.
Jul 21, 6:17pm
Alarms are easy to bypass when whoever installed it just shoves it up by the steering column with a zip tie.
Also keep in mind, at the end of the day, an alarm is only as good as the installer who put it in.
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