Any Nissan Mistral Owners Here?

clawcontrol1, Aug 28, 12:16am
Does your turbo make a whistling noise when driving from 0 - any speed!I am told this is normal even though we have had the car for 7 years with no noise, then we started to get a noise and now $1500 later and a new recon turbo it still makes this noise.

mugenb20b, Aug 28, 12:21am
A couple of my clients have Mistrals, bloody things.And no, there should be no whistling noise at all, unless you have an aftermarket air filter, or modified intake. Assuming it's all factory, you have an "air" leak somewhere, could be a blown exhaust manifold gasket, a split air intake hose somewhere or the like.

bubbles244, Aug 28, 4:08am
If it is anything like the terrano it will be the hose connecting the turbo charger to the intake manifold. take it off and turn it over, there will be split in it.

clothesline2011, Aug 28, 2:49pm
nottrying to hijack thread but i also have a mistral, seems to have a sticky injector, wanting to check oil in injector pump do these have a dipstick on pump! is it a bolt job! ie fill 1 till runs out other!

mugenb20b, Aug 28, 3:04pm
You can't do anything to these pumps, diesel fuel is the only thing that lubricates them (hence why you should use diesel fuel additive, like Morey's for example) they are not like old truck in line type pumps that have their own oil.

clothesline2011, Aug 28, 5:44pm
ok thanks mugen, im thinking two stroke oil would suffice!

morrisman1, Aug 28, 6:09pm
two stroke oil at a ratio of 200:1 in the fuel is good, you have to use mineral or semi synthetic and it must be low ash. Positive side-effects is some engines will get more economical, most will get quieter and it would be safe to say all will be better lubricated.

kaituna, Aug 28, 6:29pm
My Mistral (sold for wrecking) always had a turbo whistle upon acceleration. On another note, went through 3 alternators, and 1 gearbox and 1 starter motor in 275000 kms. I don't think that as 4x4's go it was very robust. Serviced regularly.

mugenb20b, Oct 5, 6:05am
Yep, do what morrisman said. It's a very good idea. I on the other hand like to use old transformer or refrigeration application oils (only because I had plenty of it in stock from jobs that I did). They are very thin, and wax free. But, "sadly", I no longer own any diesel vehicles, as I don't do enough mileage.