Ex ministerial BMW's

el-chico, Aug 29, 3:55am
Is anyone putting a tender in on one of these! What do you think they are worth!


When checking the carjam info for one of them under the wof section it came up with this:

The vehicle is not subject to WOF.

pretty handy if that's the case!

el-chico, Aug 29, 4:20am
ah right.

bmwnz, Aug 29, 6:22am
I was gonna buy one, but since they've replaced the ministerial number plates, I wouldn't be allowed to speed to get to rugby games, or dinner, or park anywhere I wanted to for as long as I liked, so I'll pass.

supertech1, Aug 29, 2:39pm
Wonder how much moneys under the backseats!

serf407, Aug 29, 4:15pm
The $ is probably keeping the BMW techs supplied with radler after they gave the cars a thorough going over prior to the tender.

elect70, Oct 7, 7:46am
I thought they were goingback to BMWNz for sale .Cant be that good if they dump them on Turners