Opinions please. 1995 nissan silvia s14

peek_a_boo1, Aug 29, 6:41pm
have found a 1995 nissan silvia s14 at a car yard for $4000
it has apparently done 81,000 ks and has been de reged and re regd. is there any way that when it got re regd the speedo was wound back as the car seems to have a bit more wear on the outside for what you would asume 81000ks would do.

the body is in ok condition, boot has 3 different sets of holes (obviously from 3 different spoilers) and friend who is semi mechanical has said it wouldnt pass warrents due to there being no spare tyre,the battery holder is rusty and there seems to be a bit of rust in the boot. the inside is in okay condition apart from a huge crack in the dash that goes from the top(by steering wheel) to the windscreen, the windscreen may leak as theres no silicon/plastic around it on the outside. this would be a car that would require a bif of work done to it.
personally i would have to say that i wouldnt pay more then 3grand for the car and also the fact when i said id be doing part trade they were offering 500-1000 for a 94 mazda familia which has been valued at 2000-2500
the car yard hasnt got a very good reputation and people have said it is dodgy.what would peoples opinions be!

vtecintegra, Aug 29, 6:45pm
Find something else.

Silvia prices are insane if you just want a car to commute in and the vast majority are as rough (or rougher)

mainlander05, Aug 29, 6:47pm
its a dog.

peek_a_boo1, Aug 29, 6:50pm
not too mention insurrance correct!this one is stock standard automatic only mod is a bore exhaust and aftermarket springs. 81000ks seems crazy for a car from 95.

vtecintegra, Aug 29, 6:52pm
I wouldn't buy an auto one full stop. Ruins any driving appeal the car might have yet you still have all the other downsides to deal with.

As for mileage if could be anything - all you can really do is make a judgement off what condition the car appears to be in. You could chuck the plate into Carjam and see what readings its had here but it still could have easily been wound back in Japan

peek_a_boo1, Aug 29, 11:45pm
this is a auto btw. engine seems to drive well it may need wheel alignment, tyres show bit of tearpartner did mention something about un even balding tyre or something along the sides.

am going to persue it a little more and see what happens but we cant stop thinking about this car.

franc123, Aug 30, 12:02am
Vehicles that seem suspiciously worn for the amount of kms showing or otherwise look and feel tired are usually just that.It also seems odd that a dealer these days would be selling a car that is presented so badly, even for that price.You need to be at minimum getting it checked properly from bumper to bumper by someone who knows what they are doing.Things like odd tyre wear and leaking windscreens are something you need to be checking out very thoroughly, a distorted bodyshell is a possibility, although if its been through recompliance in recent times one would hope that wouldn't be the case.I think I'd keep looking for something else based purely on whats been said so far, is it really worth blowing your cash on a vehicle that doesn't give a good impression, even at this stage!

curlcrown, Aug 30, 7:13pm
your friedns mechanical knowlage surely is "semi" if he thinks that a lack of a spare wheel is a W.O.F falure. Howvere thae car does sound like a bit of a pig.

honeyb, Oct 9, 3:55pm
dont touch it!