hey guys whats the charges for diesel utes on farm rego!is the limits 15kms from the farm!any other relevant info!trying to save a buck somewhere.can i legally put speedo switch on to stop paying rucs off road!
Aug 31, 4:44am
The charges are huge if you get busted either dodging RUC's or have got your vehicle in the wrong rego category, enforcement of this is about to get a lot tougher. Nice wind up.
Aug 31, 5:09am
switches can be secretly put in for a nice little 'fee' ;) just gotta get rid of them at COF or wof time so Inspector doesnt spot it. Mechaincs dont do it for anyone as dogsquad got nark/ undercover shithouse cars doing the rounds to try catch certain mechanics from secretly putting them in. They'll never be caught. just gotta be in the know
Aug 31, 5:15am
The WoF inspector won't spot it if you hide it.
Aug 31, 5:18am
best to properly remove them 20mins. big fine if caught with those plus questions on who installed the device. but then can be like dodgey Finance Companys CEO's and claim community service tehn go to Europe for daughters wedding
Aug 31, 5:25am
Yeah.what device.didn't see it.the speedo worked at the time of WoF inspection.
Aug 31, 6:19am
the WOF inspector probably doesn't give two hoots, especially if its VTNZ because they will have been distracted by your empty window washer bottle.
Aug 31, 7:30am
so true. it soon gets round by word of mouth then strangers arrive it your workshop asking for something similar to be installed. alarm bells go off straight away. "err we dont do that stuff dont knowmwhat youre talking about" just know theyve got a tape recorder or camera on them.
Aug 31, 7:31am
Hahha. its tie rod ends and steering boots in these woods.
Aug 31, 2:32pm
http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/factsheets/27/exempt-vehicles-from-registration-and-licensing.html I suggest you read this very carefully before considering applying for cheap rego. Also be aware you must "apply" for a change in rego class and if caught breaching the conditions of that class an enforcement officer can and often will charge you for making a false application along with the incorrect class of licence. As for speed switches etc, everybody is getting wise to them now. Been a number caught in my area recently and trust me on this one, the courts are taking a very dim view on it. Not uncommon to see fines in excess of $10,000 plus repayment of what NZTA decide they are owed. You disconnect your odometer at your peril.
Aug 31, 2:54pm
Devils advocate: whatever way you look at it, speedo switches (no matter that almost everyone in NZ has one) are a means of theft from the Govt and they will take a dim view when you get caught.
Aug 31, 4:15pm
Yea that SUCKED aye. HIS company broke & owing millions but HE can still afford to fly out on international holidays
Aug 31, 4:17pm
LOL Nuh . uneven brakes is more common.
Sep 2, 4:19pm
poor govt so dependent on the money from fuel, that punishment, of evading ruc and rego is much greater than if you rob and beat someone up, why they dont add 10 cent to diesel is beyond me, and do away with ruc for class 2,,but fines are the new growth for the govt so get use to it,
Sep 2, 4:37pm
Mind you all that said Russ does raise some very good points. If you are a farmer or a own a forestry isn't it reasonable for your farm vehicle to be rego'd as such! Is it in fact a distance from the farm situation regarding rego or is it a percentage of useage situation. --Ie if a ute is used mainly on a tarinaki e farm but then the farmer used it to go to an AB's game in the caketin for example is that ok or is it distance from base! Is the structure of the farm rego desighned to cover driving on the farmor private roads or in fact should the odo be legallydisconnected when driving in the paddocks.! Case in point being that fishermen dont pay ruc
only interested because my parents could benifit
Sep 2, 4:38pm
why they dont add 10 cent to diesel is beyond me, and do away with ruc for class 2,,but fines are the new growth for the govt so get use to it,[/quote]
10 cents thats a bit steep!should be 10 cents cheaper because of all the confusion thats been thrown at us the innocent!
Sep 2, 4:50pm
New Zealand in general is one big farm.but that mite be a bit difficult trying to explain that to a judge!
Ewes dont need to pay RUCs on a B exempt liscence,if you go to buy them at NZ Post,they wont sell you any,and you can still get a WOF on a B reg!
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