Is a honda civic a girls car

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nadz08, Feb 22, 8:12pm
great call!

tazcsv, Feb 22, 9:03pm
Old kp starlets are fgreat but fwd starlets are grannys shopping cars.

doug207, Feb 22, 11:06pm
If it's owned by a male it is not a girl's car.

How impossibly idiotic can you be!

serf407, Feb 23, 2:17am
Honda Civic might be an ok touring car.

I doubt Tarquini would go anywhere near a hairdresser these days,

likit, Feb 23, 4:01am
Yes it is,after all it was voted "Womens Car Of The Year 2012" & thats official,what else do you need .

franc123, Feb 23, 4:22am
Lol to non Starlet people they are both gutless Jap appliances that couldn't pull the chopsticks out of a rice pudding, what wheels are driven while attemptingto do it is irrelevant.

aktow, Feb 23, 9:48am
i reckon you are a moron,,

bmwnz, Feb 23, 12:41pm
I had a Civic for a work car once and hated it - it leaked water at every door join and just annoyed me, so I tried to kill it. It wouldn't damn well die. Quite a testament to its motor and transmission.

terry6000, Feb 23, 4:46pm
Girls do suit them,but i love them cause their cheap on gas and cheap to fix.Plus bodykit and paint they look awsome

carkitter, Feb 24, 12:19am
That depends on the model / drivetrain. An auto is a girls car, a manual is a guys car. A DOHC Si, DOHC VTEC SiR or VTiR or Type R is definitely a guys car. Early models such as EB, EN are feminine, as are the 'microwave' Civic of '84-87 and the following model of '88-91 (even though they had firm suspension). The '92-95 model is more masculine, see drivetrain comments above. The '96-00 model is feminine in style but again the drivetrain comments apply. From '01 only the Type R models could be called masculine but only for a young guy, not an older guy. The last few generations don't have anything to appeal to enthusiast drivers and therefore would be A-B transport for women and the elderly. What I would term a 'before' car - the one your budget has to endure before you get the car you really want. Before cars are not masculine as they give off a sense of powerlessness.

1rad8, Feb 25, 4:26am
Watch out,with the money in gas he'll be saving using that little civic,he'd be able to buy a house,start his own business and have women clamouring over him.then you'll know whos the man!

vandewc, Aug 26, 5:03am
we have been teasing a guy at work telling him a honda civic is a girls car. What do you reckon!

jmma, Aug 26, 5:06am
Depends, what type of car do you own!

vandewc, Aug 26, 5:07am
its not about me

jmma, Aug 26, 5:10am
Hey, you are telling someone they have a girls car.
I asked what you drive to say yes or no.
If you dont have a car, then NO(o:

jmma, Aug 26, 5:33am

jmma, Aug 26, 5:33am

sterid01, Aug 26, 5:36am
Yes a girls car he should be driving a land rover or a falcon .

icemans1, Aug 26, 5:40am
only 2 types of people drive hondas- girls and here in auckland, one particular ethnic group

pdc1, Aug 26, 5:40am
Wouldn't it depend whether or not the guy is gay!

stevexc, Aug 26, 5:48am
Lol shit I better delete all the civics from my watchlist and get back in my Falcon.

turton, Aug 26, 5:51am
honda's are great little cars especially the type r versions, what would you define as a mans car! people who hate on honda's like scotty20001 are the type who compete in pissing contests.

morrisman1, Aug 26, 5:55am
I think honda's are great cars, well their performance models anyway but to generalize, the boy racer's that tend to follow them are a bit of a put-off. Same with skylines and WRX. All great cars but their drivers too often have their hand on it.

edangus, Aug 26, 6:09am
No, unless its pink.

pestri, Aug 26, 6:18am
A Hairdressers car!