No such thing as a 'decent' alarm. At the end of the day, an alarm is only as good as the person installing it. The better the 'brain' is hidden, the longer it takes a thief to take your car. At the end of the day, if a thief wants to take your car and is good at what they do, your car will disappear even if you put in the best alarm. However, alarms are a good deterrent for little sh!tbags who break into your car for your phone, radio, gps etc.
Aug 20, 10:49pm
Check out the Obsessive Vehicle Security Blog (easy to find) for Julian's opinion on Warlocks. Julian is one of the best car alarm guys in NZ and is allways happy to help.(Apparently the company has been in receivership twice!).
Aug 21, 12:00am
I wouldnt touch a Warlock . AVS if your going to get an alarm is your best bet.
Aug 27, 8:18pm
Would never get an alarm installed by anyone else, they do a really good job and have done for years.Me, my wife and daughter are all happy with our alarms (my daughter's was installed last weekend).Alarm brains are well hidden, not easy to find at all.Rang that guy Julian from Obsessive, he is a werido, if you look at his blog he rants on about just about every alarm brand there is so if you listen to him you probably won't buy an alarm at all.
Aug 27, 8:33pm
And how exactly do you know that the brain is well hidden and hard to find! Did you have a professional car thief look at it for you!
Julian actually knows his stuff really well and recommends stuff that actually works like its supposed to. He's not some 'wierdo', hes a perfectionist. But like they say, the thing about smart people is, they sound like crazy people to dumb people.
Its also funny how the only times you ever post is when someone is putting down Warlocks alarms.
Aug 27, 10:01pm
Watchedprogramme on CI(sky ) other night ,crims haveelectronic deviceseasilybought thatdisables any car alarm /imobiliser.,
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