Mitsi Outlander - What's it worth?

tash1172, Aug 23, 7:07pm
Hi, after a bit of advice on what this vehicle is worth, any help appreciated:
2009 XLS 3.0 7 Seater
NZ New
1 Owner
Few minor dings but nothing major

Cheers :)

phillip.weston, Aug 23, 10:23pm

carstauranga001, Aug 24, 10:09pm
Find me one for that please.

tash1172, Aug 25, 3:08am
looking at the link hopie put up for me, there is the exact same car but a 2.4 not the 3.0 V6, how much $$ difference between the two!
also how much less for a private sale, not with a dealership markup.
Thanks :)

edangus, Aug 26, 7:09am
About the same (IMO) the 3.0 was a great vehicle for me. The 2.4 was too gutless for me (but better fuel economy.alledgedly). So it will depend on buyer.

shorebee, Aug 26, 9:52pm
one at gmc done 140ks for 18 so id say 18-23k. 3.0 have cambelt job to do as 2.4s dont.

gman35, Aug 26, 10:29pm
Yep , don't see how a 2.4 would be able to haul one of these around acceptably , certainly when filled with people. Surely for any vehicle this size (4wd especially) you would just say "sod the petrol prices around town , give me the v6".