am I libable for any fees owing on a car brought as is with no rego, or wof owner stated rego run out and will have to fix car to get a new rego and wof, or wil I only need to get a new rego when its in my name and he pay whats owing when in his name, what does sold as is where is no rego and wof really mean!
Aug 25, 12:48am
How long has it not been licenced for!
I would still change the ownership and put the licence on hold under my name. Let the previous owner sort out their part.
Aug 25, 12:54am
No you won't have to pay back licensing fees, that is the sellers problem, they don't transfer to the new owner. I guess if you wanted a basic general definition of what as is where is means, it means that what you are about to buy has got problems that they aren't telling you about and the seller is looking for a convenient bunny to relieve them of these problems and give them money for the privelage. Oh and don't come back moaning that you've been sold a lemon.
Aug 25, 4:54am
haha, wish you told that to the guy that bought my diamante.that was a story & a half!
Aug 25, 5:47am
Or the seller has been burnt by an unrealistic buyer before and is just covering their butt!
I always say "as is, where is" even if the car is in perfect condition.It's like yelling "no backsies" as they drive away!
Aug 25, 7:19pm
Is the car DE registered or UN registered--theres a big difference as to the procedure depending on which it is
Aug 25, 9:21pm
i think you'll find if its not deregisteredbut not on rego hold,the new owner will have to pay the unpaid back rego to get it back on the rego system.Simple case of CAVEAT EMPOR (let the buyer beware!)
Aug 25, 9:25pm
100% incorrect.
Aug 25, 9:29pm
nope. new owner pays rego from date of change of ownership. old owner gets sent the bill for rego up to that date
Aug 25, 9:30pm
Really! What planet are you from!
Old owner is responsible for licence fees up to new owner is registered owner.
Also the car is not 'off the rego system' if it's still registered.
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