Towbar. Anyone know the best place in chch to get a towbar fitted to the car

jacinta.r, Aug 24, 8:14pm
Anyone know the best place in Chch to get a towbar fitted to the car!

40wav, Aug 24, 9:50pm
Ring around engineering shops and see. Make sure you ask for a price including plug and wiring (unless you want to do that yourself of course). I'd phone about 4 or 5. That way you get a feel for what its going to cost, and one will likely be cheaper.

v8_mopar, Aug 24, 10:08pm
Uni Weld are good.

brokebloke1, Aug 24, 10:11pm
what type of car as you may be able to get one from a wreakers

rkauto, Aug 24, 11:41pm

therafter1, Aug 25, 12:48am
Do wreakers wrought lol

thejazzpianoma, Aug 25, 1:09am
If its a late model car be careful about how its wired. Many now can't be wired directly to the rear lights as was done in the old days, if you do it they likely won't operate and can ruin your cars computer.

Some may be able to be wired with a universal bypass relay which is what many towbar places use.

However. you need to be VERY careful as with some late model cars just using a bypass relay means the car does not know when a trailer is connected which it rely's on by design. This can cause all manner of problems from the stability control program not working properly, parking sensors going nuts at you and in some cases even transmission problems. These cars need to be wired with a genuine towbar loom for that particular vehicle or an equivalent model specific copy that functions in the same manner.

Don't assume the towbar place knows what they are doing when it comes to the wiring, many in my experience have no clue about this side of it and just blindly slap universal bypass relay's on everything.