SRS light

zak1998, Aug 23, 4:44pm
Can anyone help as the light on the dash came ondue to the wire under the seat got knocked and now the light won't go out

saxman99, Aug 23, 4:46pm
Depending on the type of car it may need to be hooked up to an SRS computer for a reset.Some cars also have a reset sequence which can be used.

zak1998, Aug 23, 4:52pm
Honda car

incar., Aug 23, 5:14pm
Pink Honda car!

zak1998, Aug 23, 5:23pm
Reading about a paper clip in the yellow plug will reset it. Now to find it

tmenz, Aug 23, 5:30pm
Honda what!
My Honda Legend needed about 8 initialisation attempts on the passenger seat occupancy sensor before the SRS computer and light would reset. This was on a Honda workshop analyser!

kazbanz, Aug 23, 5:40pm
I'd still try the disconnect the battery for 10 minutes trick--n o harm in it
-do drive the car for a couple of KM though as sometimes they take a few check cycles to reset

texastwo, Aug 23, 6:06pm
Well at least you know its just the underseat wire. As others have said you probably need to be hooked up to a diagnotics to get the codes to reset it. Not like others I know that have been told they needa new Airbag ECU at a cost of around $1000

kcc55a, Aug 23, 6:09pm
Isnt there a possibility that re-hooking up the battery could cause the airbag to go off!

kazbanz, Aug 23, 7:48pm

neo_psy, Aug 23, 8:52pm
If you're not watching the road while you're hooking up the battery and run into someone.

(sorry, I'll do some work now)

zak1998, Aug 23, 8:57pm
All fixed guy at the garage did it with the machine $20 all up

kazbanz, Aug 23, 10:56pm
Get back to your tranz shipping

shadowzz, Oct 26, 8:45pm
What garage was that!