the light on the dash is staying on. is it a Seat Belt fault or an air bag one please ? difference of opinion here. lol
Sep 25, 9:14pm
About $1200 if it's on all the time.
Seriously though, it indicates a problem with the airbags somewhere - stands for Secondary restraint system, seat belts are Primary restraint system. Should light up when ignition first turned on, then go out after a few seconds. You will probably need to get the system scanned by someone with a suitable diagnostic tool (your local Honda agent?) to find any fault codes and have it reset if there are no hard faults.
Sep 25, 9:19pm
We have just been told is a broken seatbelt retractor . worth $500 to replace. I just cant get my head around that. I thought airbags too.
Sep 25, 9:27pm
Maybe. Depending on model and year of yours but many cars have a seat belt tightening action that is part of the passive restraint system and is signalled by the same system as airbags. If yours has that maybe that explains why you're being told it is a seat belt thing, as that part of seatbelt is part of Srs system.
Sep 25, 9:29pm
grannypam most airbags are built in conjunction with seatbelt retactors,i believe the theory is that the pre-tensioners in the seatbelts go bang just before the airbag. its to stop the seat belt spooling.Basically it tightens the seatbelt,before the bag goes off. to stop you going to far forward. this all happens in a nano second . so the retractor/pre-tensioner is important.
Sep 25, 9:36pm
call strong for Honda .Tell them you need a drivers seat belt. Have it fitted. problem solved
Sep 25, 9:56pm
Thanks everyone. it was just something we had never come across before.
Sep 25, 11:44pm
What model/year Odyssey is it. Has it been on a diagnostic tool to confirm its the retractor or is the mechanic guessing? If it's a 2000-2003 model (with a chassis code of RA6 or similar) while it could be the seat belt retractor it could also more likely be the seat belt stalk/buckle, very very common fault making the SRS light come on in that model.
Sep 26, 12:04am
It is a 2000 model but the chassis number starts with 7ATO . We have had an auto electrician look at it since I started this thread and his finding is the same . its the front passenger belt. we trust him implicitly so we are happy to go ahead. Anyone know why iy would have broken. lol
May 3, 10:32pm
seat belt pretrensioner they shoot a load to snap tight your seat belt pinning you in to the seat millisecounds befor a impact and deployment of airbags so your neck dont snaps from the inflating airbag. why it broke ?why do any electro mechanics fail on cars because its age and fetigue poor quality or enviromental influence like corrosion and vibrations
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