Replacement key fobs

mileyfan73, Aug 23, 2:32am
Recently bought a 99 Accord,but it's missing it's keyless entry fob.Can you buy replacements ones!And how hard is it to re-programme the locking!

neo_psy, Aug 23, 3:19am
Go see Mr Minit - they do heaps if different ones.

biddy6, Aug 23, 3:39am
Should be available thru your Honda dealer, but check out the price first.

mileyfan73, Aug 23, 3:55am
Okay thanks.

titan15, Aug 23, 4:15am
Dont even bother going to Honda.The dollars quoted to me by them exceeded $400 with programming costs additional.I fitted an aftermarket remote locking set via a local car audio shop for $200.That was 4 years ago and I imagine the situation wont have changed too much.