No need for that. Theres nothing that cant be solved with a good old fashioned aqueduct race for pink slips and the affections of the hottest girl in town.The loser gets run out of town with his tail between his legs.
Aug 17, 10:15pm
Wow, an hour or so later, and my account is still active. After reading the rest of the thread, all I can say is to the GC's in the thread, you know who you are, consider a slab opened in your honour. For bellky, none for you, I have to go again so 'c u next tuesday', I hope you will sort yourself out in the meantime.
Aug 17, 10:17pm
Wont work ,I think Bellky's into little boys.
Aug 17, 11:05pm
Looks like he has pissed off ! Maybe TM complaint line has lowered its charge rate,or hes run down to the dairy and got sum credit on his phone. Belky-."Hello hello is thisTM! I have witnessed some vile behaviour and wish to have the following members banned for a week or two." TM-"Is this you again belky!" Belky-"Why yes its me,am I not in your contacts or number id!" TM-"ummm no sir,but you DID realise this phone call alone is a breach of the restraining order.again" Belky-"but but Im the one that does all the reporting on the boards,surely that makes me special!I also like rotarys" TM-"click".- . .dial tone.
Seriously mate just get lost out of this thread your not required here.
Aug 17, 11:35pm
Why would I listen to you.
Aug 17, 11:40pm
Because, if you haven't figured it out yet, you are universally vilified due to your constant threats to whinge to the TM mods over any slight thing you do not like. No one likes a whinger or a nark, and especially someone who can't fight their own battles and constantly threatens to call in someone to take care of it for them.Why don't you take a leaf out of johnf's book and have a good long think about the way you behave, and change it for the better! Or even better yet, quit the motoring MB and go to 'opinion' or some other place that would suit your ways better.
Aug 17, 11:42pm
All these problems you have on a poxy internet message board! TM and the mods, cant fix them, other members here cant fix them, even I cant fix them, and I am a good fixer-upper. Only you can fix your problems, thats the long and the short of it.
Aug 17, 11:46pm
I don't have any problems mantagsi. This is how I choose to deal with this MB.
Aug 17, 11:47pm
bellky wrote: I don't have any problems mantagsi.
Great tui add LOL
Aug 17, 11:49pm
So why is it people are constantly having a go at you! Do you honestly not realise why! Does it not stare you in the face like a searchlight at full blast! I will tell you now, the shitslinging in your direction will never ever stop until you sit down and have a quiet think about all of this. Good luck to you, you are going to need it.
Aug 17, 11:51pm
I realise why. I'm not changing what I say though. I'll say what I see as fit, come what may. I'm not sitting here crying, this MB is of no consequence to me.
Aug 17, 11:53pm
If it is of no consequence, why are you still here! And yes, that question is in earnest and is asked seriously.
Aug 17, 11:55pm
Too much time on my hands. (No I don't receive any type of benefit, life is too easy for me.)
Aug 17, 11:59pm
Life is too easy, well I guess that explains a bit, if you get bored you start to look for odd challenges. Your behaviour comes across as someone who doesn't get out a lot. Dr Mantagsi recommends a healthy dose of socialisation at any suitable local night hotspot, and a good dose of face to face contact with anyone and everyone to help smooth out those moments of awkwardness that you are noted for. I recommend a ship-board cruise, that would do wonders for your temperament. I'll charge you nothing for this sage advice.
Aug 18, 12:03am
Rubbish advice. You have no clue what you're talking about. I'm miles ahead of you.
Aug 18, 12:06am
See! There we go again, I am bang on the money :) This behaviour of trying to force ones will upon others, then hastily declaring aloofness / superiority when rejected, it is the classical behaviour pattern exhibited by a social outcast, a lonely chap who is inexperienced in dealing with the outside world. You may be the boss of what is in your head, but you seem to show anger and frustration when your attempts at controlling whats outside your head fail. I seriously recommend you get out more often, as you will find that face to face contact will do you a world of good!
Aug 18, 12:07am
As for being miles ahead, well, if so good on you, but don't forget, you wont find many friends up in the rarefied air at the top of that lovely ivory tower of splendid isolation you live in.
Aug 18, 12:09am
Isnt this fun bellky! For something that has no consequence, you sure seem keen. Anyway the point of all that psycho mumbo jumbo was to give you a nice sample of the fine fun you can have in one of the 'opinion' or 'general' message boards. How about you mosey on over there and have a good time!
Aug 18, 12:10am
Its a bit like the court magistrate whom seeks refuge in an S & M bondage parlour and pays to get whipped and spanked.
Aug 18, 12:10am
Oh dear, this trolling is hard work, someone pass me a beer
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