Same in all trades always a few bad applesgive the rest a rotton name.Asanother trader said "honesty is best" or at least explain why the expenses incurred. What bothers me is the sheer numbers of non qualified "mechanics"Im notreferring to formal inhouse apprentices but those who have notcompleted an apprenticeship minimum, in workshops around nowdays (even dealerships)chargingout full for substandard work! The times Iv'e taken on work only tosort out another "mechanics " or back yard handy work .leaves nothing to be desired. My advice is simple , if you pay $$$$$ per hr expect to know who was working on your vehicle, not just the manager you deal with, ask to speak with the service technician who actually did the job , even before paying.
Aug 15, 12:28am
Picked up a van today, from a local S/Station owner, Got half way back to the workshop and noticed the fuel light on! Will need to do the 6K trip to the paintshop tomorrow - and back when it's finished. S/S is on the way - Guess what!
Aug 15, 1:55am
Mines looked after better than Toms in "TOP GUN". sorry.
Aug 18, 9:13pm
$50 worth of petrol !you are assuming that the garage is selling you the petrol at their cost !They may have taken the car to the petrol station and put a qty of petrol in that cost them $30 and then on-sold it to you for $50. The garage are in the business of selling their time and materials. You would no expect them to say replace the spark plugs and only charge you their buy price for them, then why would you expect that for some petrol.
Aug 19, 4:46am
Workshopwould be charging $75 an hour,if the car was near empty and the service station is 15 minutes away and they put in $20 in car would this not = $50! Why should they do it for free!
Aug 19, 2:21pm
Finally people with a brain that's what I was saying.
Aug 19, 5:34pm
Maybe but imo would be broken down to labour and gas so gas is still $20 but labour up
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