At what point is a transmission past the point

princesspossum, Aug 15, 4:58am
of a rebuild!

In general, if all the gears are slipping including reverse, does this mean it is screwed and would need to be replaced!

Thanks :)

mugenb20b, Aug 15, 5:00am
No, you can still get it rebuilt, but often, the price of a rebuild exceeds the value of the vehicle.

princesspossum, Aug 15, 5:01am
Thanks mugen, it is the price of the parts or the cost of the labour that is the killer!

mugenb20b, Aug 15, 5:03am

mugenb20b, Aug 15, 5:04am
What kind of car are you reffering to!

princesspossum, Aug 15, 5:05am
Thanks :)

I guess you don't know which parts you need to replace until it is pulled out and dismantled!

ETA it's a 96 Merc c180.

mugenb20b, Aug 15, 5:17am
A series of tests / checks need to be performed before the transmission gets pulled out of the car. And, based on those tests or checks, only then you'll know what the cost may be.

But, if the transmission is slipping in all gears and the fluid level is OK, then, that usually means it's toast.

Being an older Merc, I suggest you see your local mechanic, see what they have to say and go from there.

princesspossum, Aug 15, 5:29am
Ok, will do. Thanks :)

mugenb20b, Aug 15, 5:34am
No worries, and good luck.

johnf_456, Aug 15, 5:37am
Your better off finding a donor box than fixing the existing one.

jmma, Aug 15, 6:01am
That's the words of a "Parts fitter"
Best find out whats wrong with it first, may be better to fix his one (o:

johnf_456, Aug 15, 6:05am
Gearbox repairs are not cheap, so whats your solution. Can you wave your magic wand and tell us whats wrong and give us the amount including gst of how much it will cost. (:o

jmma, Aug 15, 6:09am
Once I had diagnosed the fault, probably could, wouldn't need a magic wand.
Whats to say that a second hand box will last any way. (o:

johnf_456, Aug 15, 6:13am
Well we need a answer of how much jmma (o:

jmma, Aug 15, 6:19am
$872.74 & GSTplus $50 petrol for road test (o:

morrisman1, Aug 15, 6:22am
if everything is slipping it could be as simple as a new filter and a flush.

jmma, Aug 15, 6:25am
No no, just chuck a s/h box at it, don't even think that it might be that simple (o:

princesspossum, Aug 15, 6:31am
I was wondering the same thing. Came across a repair manual for the 722 transmission series and it said the following:

Incorrect modulating pressure. Modulating pressure controlvalve or pressure relief valve is dirty or sticking. Vacuum line to transmission vacuum capsule clogged or leaking. Working pressurecontrol valve dirty or sticking. Low working pressure. Defective primary pump.

morrisman1, Aug 15, 6:35am
Im going off my experience with a hyundai stellar, pretty much the same thing aye. After numerous redline starts dropping it into drive it gave up the ghost and gradually started slipping as journeys progressed. In the end you couldn't drive it at all. The tranny place put a new filter on, drained and refilled (not even flush) charged me a hundy bucks and she was good as gold and never missed a beat after that.

Im pretty noob with trannys, and automatic transmissions too, so theres bound to be other things that might be causing it but I thought it was worth sharing my similar experience.

jmma, Aug 15, 6:37am
Has anything been done to the car recently!
How long has it been slipping!

singing1, Aug 15, 7:53am
Just get an exchange trans from a transmission shop. its a lot cheaper then trying to fix the one you have but first get an trans expert to give you some advice