Unauthorised repairs - (to my chainsaw-not car)

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thunderbolt, Aug 14, 12:32am
Great info Jmma.

I think the factual information from the people who make the product carries much more weight than a opinionated keyboard warrior.

bellky, Aug 14, 12:34am
Nope, doesn't.

jmma, Aug 14, 12:44am
Battery operated toys don't count, girlfriend (o:

floscey, Aug 14, 1:22am
i know ,and im saying it really happens too.

bellky, Aug 14, 1:29am
Thanks for quoting that. I know what I'm talking about.

jmma, Aug 14, 1:46am
Sorry, I see you do know what you are talking about (o:


splinter67, Aug 14, 2:25am
Very good I wonder if he knows that reading it on the internet and real world experience are two completely different things

bellky, Aug 14, 2:45am
So you're 6' 2" and 115kg yet you carry on like an infant. Why is that splinter67.

splinter67, Aug 14, 2:50am
Is that the best you can do my 5 year old is wittier than you try a bit harder dud

bellky, Aug 14, 2:52am
You're like the Energizer Bunny, only not as cute.

splinter67, Aug 14, 2:53am
Yup and you aint gunna get the last word

bellky, Aug 14, 2:54am
Oh I will.

splinter67, Aug 14, 2:57am
Why you gunna nark on me dud or is one of your other identities going to do it for you

bellky, Aug 14, 3:00am
I only have one log in. That stuff you made up about skyblue17 was all in your head and nowhere else.

splinter67, Aug 14, 3:04am
So everyone else on here is wrong and you are right you crack me up dud (waiting for the rest of belkys mob to turn up and say Im not dud) HAHAHAHAHA

bellky, Aug 14, 3:09am
You're wrong splinter67. Get a grip. I've never posted or voted on these Message Boards under any other username except bellky. If you can't accept that you're deluded.

splinter67, Aug 14, 3:18am
well sorry guys that makes most of us deluded

bellky, Aug 14, 3:27am
No not really. It makes You deluded. You make up a story and wont believe it's not true. How long have you been posting here, about a month! You don't know what you're talking about, you only think you do. You're making me wonder about your situation.

I'm sure posting on the Message Boards under 2 different logins is against TM rules somewhere, so why don't you complain to Trade Me if you're so sure. They can check this IP address and see.

In the mean time you're just dreaming.

splinter67, Aug 14, 3:28am
No not dreaming Im awake

bellky, Aug 14, 3:33am
Are you sure! Honestly splinter67, are you sure!

splinter67, Aug 14, 3:36am
Yup just pinched myself anyway dud you should take this to general this board is for motor related topics as you know nothing about cars you sould pee off

bellky, Aug 14, 3:52am
I voted this. I don't know if it's bad enough to get a warning but I hope so. My patience is running out with all your rubbish splinter67.

splinter67, Aug 14, 3:56am
Take it to general dud

thunderbolt, Aug 14, 5:16am
Yet you expect the rest of us to put up with your "contributions" to the topic!
Get a grip. (or release it a little), either one works.

flat_white_ltd, Aug 14, 5:29am
give it up,, thunderbolt
.the end game is always baiting you untill you say something that can be "reported"
.but you know that, right!

. how the h*ll ya been, anyway!