Got pulled over doing 73ks in 50k limit. GPS recored speed of 59ks. Ticket worth $180. Should i fight this or just take the cop.How do you fight this!
Aug 12, 2:22am
GPS are not legal speed recording devices, cops lasers are.
Fight it and you'll lose unless the cops laser hasn't been calibrated right.
Aug 12, 2:25am
Well, how fast to do think you were doing!
The issue with trying to use GPS as a defence is:
How do they (the JP) know your GPS was on! How do they know what speed it was recording at the time the cop clocked you! How can you prove that the unit was even in the same car at that time!
Some do detailed logging.most don't.
Aug 12, 2:28am
The cop may very well have clocked you at 73 but by the time you noted your gpsyou had slowed down to 59. Doesn't take many brain cells to work that out. Going 18% above the posted speed limit makes you a muppet in my eyes. Pay up boy.
Aug 12, 2:33am
And you may of been doing 59 and the last poor soul was doing 73 that the cop got last and heard his beep beep and didnt bother to push the button and thought oh well 73 will do
Aug 12, 2:36am
so you've never been more than 18% over the speed limit!
Aug 12, 2:37am
You can never proof in court what speed you did, a cops word counts for 2, so you loose.
Aug 12, 2:39am
Aug 12, 2:42am
you speed, you lost. man up, pay up.
Aug 12, 2:52am
Busted! You take your chances, you loose, you pay, simple.
Aug 12, 2:56am
speed limit 50 kph . not 59 or 73 pay the fine and be happy thats all that happened.
Aug 12, 3:02am
For what it's worth I've compared my GPS to the well calibrated Terratrip in our race car. The GPS is spot on only when you're travelling at a consistent speed in a consistent direction; the rest of the time there is a big delay as it struggles to keep up.
Aug 12, 3:08am
Yep any deviation in direction or altitude throws them out in the short term. I've seen mine hit 122kph when I know I was under 100kph. I assume it can go the other way as well.
Aug 12, 3:22am
if you go over the speed limit then you may well get a fine - why were you going over the speed limit!
Aug 12, 3:22am
WOW how do you keep to the speed limit 100% of time ! You my friend are a Ducking LEGEND WOW take a bow NZs No1 driver off all time
Aug 12, 3:24am
Was it reset from his previous speeding motorest this does happen they get lazy my cousin was a cop
Aug 12, 3:25am
I was just going with the flow of traffic but was at the end of line of cars going down a very steep hill.
Aug 12, 3:28am
Haha he probably doesn't, I am sure most of us don't and if we get caught we man up and pay the fine, sure don't come to the boards grizzling.
Aug 12, 3:28am
I have seen some lag in some GPS models. We you accelerating at the time! In Victoria in Oz they have these gantries that give your speed reading, often found my GPS reading up to 5km high at these.
Aug 12, 3:29am
Already paid BIG Boy. Paid online tonite buy CC
Aug 12, 3:31am
you did the crime now pay up.You are lucky you were not arretrsed on the spot. GPS is global positioning and no Police officer in the world has one of those for speed detection.
Aug 12, 3:35am
Good boy.
Aug 12, 3:40am
BET you are one of these drivers who sit in passing Lane on MW doing 85ks pissing all us BIG Boys OFF
Aug 12, 3:46am
Pay up, speed limit is 50 not 70 odd.
Aug 12, 3:47am
already paid BIG BOY
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