Just a heads up guys , LTNZ in their infinite "wisdom" has NOT announced that they will be shutting down their entire system on 25/25 of this month.This means to us that there can be no WOF issued .No registration done,no change of ownership processed,no drivers licencing processed,no RUC issued. The best you can hope for is an offline WOF. Its a total shutdown for those two days. Yep I did punch in next week end--sorry guys yeo 25/26
Aug 11, 6:43pm
Got a heads up on the reason for it kaz! Its normal for NZTA to carry out scheduled maintenance on Saturday nights but a whole weekend! Something must be going on or else they are doing something in prep for the anticipated changes to WOF's and licensing etc next year.
Aug 11, 6:54pm
sorry franc in all honesty I was so utterly peed off I diddn't want the explaination. I have a deposit paid customer flying up from down south to buy a car that weekend.-so do I send the customer off with a "letter " from ltnz saying they can't do the job they are contracted to do! Yea there are only 2500 dealers affected but how many of the public do their rego/wof stuff at the weekend!
Aug 11, 6:55pm
LOL An off -line WoF might suit some people.
Aug 11, 6:56pm
And to answer kazbanz's rehtorical - lots of people do WoF at the weekend. The queues at VTNZ always seem much longer on Saturdays.
Aug 11, 7:12pm
Short answer, heaps.For many its the only time they can do it.
Aug 11, 7:16pm
Ignoring all the --you should do it 2 weeks early arguements. I wonder what the police response will be if you get pulled with a just run out rego and ruc then the wof sticker doesn't show up on the system
Aug 11, 8:04pm
Kaz as there's quite plainly a reason for the shutdown (so debating whether or not to do it is pointless)would you prefer it was during the week!
It's still 5-6 weeks away, I'm sure it will be advertised closer to the relevant time.
Aug 11, 8:31pm
I wouldn't be upset if they actually bothered telling us AND if indeed it was 6 weeks away-It isn't -they only let testing stations know on friday and the shutdown is 25/26 th. Could you imagine in any other service industry it beeing acceptable to shut down for 63 hours!
Aug 11, 10:16pm
we got a letter with our car rego saying that they will be shutting the system down on the 25/26 august 2012.
Aug 11, 10:20pm
Ah sorry, had september in my head for some reason.
So two weeks off.how much warning were you after!!
Aug 12, 12:11am
sorry mon maybee Im being obtuse--THEYhavent told the public anything.--It was by chance I found out
Aug 12, 1:21am
Yeah but what I'm getting at is how soon do you think they should tell you!
Are you a customer of theirs! If you use the NZTA online service, I'd expect you'd be told that way. If you're a motorweb customer, then surely it's up to them to tell you!
Aug 12, 2:08am
I got a warning on the renewal of Motor Vehicle License form, obviously if it hadn't been due, I wouldn't have known.
Aug 12, 2:36am
I dont rego my cars aye, no problumz bro. Only suckerz pay rego
Aug 12, 3:29am
Pollymay, is that because Hondas don't have to pay rego, as they are usually not on the road anyway! Do a skid.
Aug 12, 4:37am
Most of my cars are well broken and only go anywhere on a trailer, the system works.
You can do skids on a trailer though, I dunno if that's a grey area of the law or not because technically it's not on the roadway, what if I did it inside a trailer transporter.
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