Attn Jazz. Httpwwwstuffconznational7638813crash teens extremely fortunate thought you39d like this

audi_s_ate, Sep 7, 7:27pm

thejazzpianoma, Sep 7, 8:46pm
LOL, heard it on the radio this morning. That's the only trouble with the Golf of course, everyone wants a ride.
On a serious note though, pity stuff didn't have a pic. Was wondering what model it was, curious to know if they were just lucky or whether one of the very safe later model ones saved their collective bacon.
Cheers for the link.

gedo1, Sep 7, 11:36pm
Hi Jazz. Saw the markings on the motorway this morning and where they bounced off the Armco and back into the lanes.just as well it was early hours of morning because they sure went a distance!Almost like a Golf at the finish I bet!

thejazzpianoma, Sep 7, 11:39pm
Crikey gedo1, glad they got away with it!

saxman99, Sep 7, 11:48pm
Nine people in a Golf is a pretty tight squeeze I would have thought!

I guess they're all "real good friends."

grangies, Sep 8, 1:09am
Why on earth did they need to close the offramp for 4 hours!

morrisman1, Sep 8, 2:03am
1 Driver.
8 Mechanics.

johnf_456, Sep 8, 2:08am
Auto electrician
brake specialist
Aircon guy
2 General mechanics
Radiator guy
Panel beater

feel free to add in more.

40wav, Sep 8, 2:08am
Ha! Brilliant!

thejazzpianoma, Sep 8, 2:28am
Yip, all of them baffled by the superior performance, spec and economy they couldn't wait to experience it for themselves.

ema1, Sep 8, 5:08am
Service Manager

drog, Sep 8, 2:34pm
Kraut interpreter

kazbanz, Sep 8, 3:05pm
2 pushers hoping the rear screen heater works for their long push home.

bmc460, Sep 8, 3:29pm
gotta love a euro,everone one to come for ride.

ceebee2, Sep 8, 4:40pm
In case of a fatality

countrypete, Sep 8, 4:48pm
Perhaps the car was a Jap import and had radioactive air con filters!Has to have a full decontamination of the entire suburb!

splinter67, Sep 8, 4:50pm
It was a vw not a lada LOL

the-lada-dude, Sep 9, 12:40am
HEY ! come on. that;ll do !

supernova2, Sep 9, 3:40am
Eight people to interview and only 1 copper with a blunt pencil.Round (up) a golf maybe.

bigfatmat1, Sep 9, 3:54am
the health and safety HR person was absent