I have quite a hike to work and am looking for something more economical than my Odessey. (Love the Odessey by the way). I'm watching a 2l 1999 mazda capella. Anyone had experience with these! What car would you recommend!
Sep 4, 6:52pm
Manual is more economical!
Sep 4, 7:01pm
IMO a 99 capella hasn't got enough of an economy advantage over an odyssey to make it worth changing.
Sep 4, 7:16pm
I'd go a step further and say fuel economy alone is never enough reason to do a change. Better the devil you know.
Sep 4, 7:16pm
No difference in fuel economy between the two.
Sep 4, 7:27pm
I would stick with the Odessey.
Sep 4, 8:26pm
You would be better off looking at a 2001+ Toyota Corolla/Fielder/Allex/Runx 1800. Very economical and reliable.
Sep 4, 8:37pm
yea smaller and more modern if you want economy. Hard to save money if you spend buying something else. Just keep what your got and keep your foot off.
Sep 4, 9:28pm
I do a lot of ks every day to work. That's why I don't think it's worth getting a newer car knowing I am going to clock up the k's so fast. There's heaps of civics aroound 1993. Maybe I should just get a different job. Bah!
Sep 4, 9:57pm
Hi Bit -Id suggest you do the maths. How many k's do you do per week ! How much is it costing to run the odditty! Ok then how much is "a fielder" going to cost in gas to do the same distance.! How much per year is the "feilder" going to cost you in repayments or if you have the money what is it costing divided by say 3 years If the savings in fuel costs are greater than what you will make in payments or will owe yourself then its a sensible move if not stick with the oddity
Sep 4, 10:20pm
Return trip is 91k. Cost me $17 (8l) in my 1997 2.2l Oddity. Cost for the same trip $10.70 (5l) in a 1997 1.5l mitsi lancer.
@ 4 trips/wk that's $68/wk or $3264/yr for my Odyssey (allowing 4wks hol) @ 4 trips/wk that's $43wk or $2054/yr for lancer.
I'll be clocking up 17400k/year to work alone.
Cash buyer. Thanks for the suggestion. A worthwhile exercise.
Sep 4, 10:27pm
So a saving of about $1k/yr, Looking at spending $2-3k which I should recoop by selling the oddity. In that price range I'm probably going to get a car with anywhere from 150,000 to 220,000k's on it so may have to repeat the exercise every couple of years. Well the fact is that I am putting k's on the Odessey so I might as well be putting k's on a more economical car and saving money in gas. Sound sensible!
My Odessey has about 220,000+ on and the lancer in the above example had 216,000k's.
Sep 4, 10:55pm
! I'm lost.
Sep 5, 12:13am
They're saying if you are wanting to change because of economy, then look at those instead of the capella.
Your price comparison above is with a 1500cc car, not the capella! Now I'm lost.
Sep 5, 3:41am
Getting a 91km trip for 5litres means no speeding and a modern 1500 VVTi. I'd suggest a 1500cc Corolla waggon 2007+
Sep 5, 3:49am
Crikey, that's good going for that age/engine lancer, must have been a manual at least. Are you quite sure you have measured that really accurately!
Sep 5, 5:38am
My comparison is with a lancer because I had the opportunity of borrowing one for the purpose of comparison. Yes, a manual. No speeding, trying to maintain 100kph. I see I have recorded the distance twice, once I got 91k n once 84k. Don't know how that happened. I'll redo it.
Sep 5, 6:47am
That's a great idea borrowing one to test. Its making more sense now too being a manual and what sounds like an open road run, especially if the distance is possibly a fraction less.
Personally, if I was doing such a run I would go for my old favorite the 2000 or newer Fiat Punto. Its not just got amazing economy, its got 4 star or more NCAP safety, and a decent level of spec as well. Arguably a more relaxed open road drive too. which is amazing for a little car.
You can actually get these in the 3k - 4K mark now too. From personal experience if you can do a 5l run in a 1.5 Lancer manual I think you could likely get fairly well down towards 4l doing the same in the Punto manual driving with the same amount of care.
Sep 5, 2:52pm
yea those lancers are a very good basic car, lancer generaly have always had a good name, the nissan pulsar which is just as good will achieve the same, the pulsar is a small car that the car rentals use as its nown for its durability and economy. do some more research.
Sep 5, 2:58pm
get a bike, and only use the oddessy on wet days
Win win
Sep 5, 4:34pm
For a 91Km return trip! Sounds practical to me!
Sep 5, 4:36pm
and I didn't mean a pedally
Sep 5, 4:38pm
O.K fair enough, I wonder how much you save now with the high cost of reg etc. It made a lot of sense when I was in Wellington, but parking was the big saving there. Anyhow, as you were, I get your point.
Sep 5, 4:47pm
Buy a V8 Holden and enjoy your drive dont worry about economy it will just put you into an early grave you could arrive at work with a smile on ya face
Sep 6, 5:53am
Thanks guys. I will look at those models. The 84k is probably the round trip from the service station so that is the distance I should have quoted.
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