How to find out when rego will expire

00quattro00, Sep 4, 4:05am
I have a few cars in storage that are on hold, How can I find out when they expire! Used to use carjam but they doent display it anymore

tigger8, Sep 4, 4:09am
regd on carjam and you get 3 free look ups per month with no cost

gmphil, Sep 4, 4:15am
0800 108809 they have be urs tho

matthew111, Sep 4, 4:25am
go to any Kiwi bank/Post shop or look on line

kazbanz, Sep 4, 5:11am
Im probably gonna get flamed for this but. The answer is to look on the paperwork you kept showing the expiry date.

00quattro00, Sep 4, 6:11am
I would if I did have the paper work,

Would be good if it could be setup to keep them on hold until I say otherwise as they have been on hold for 5yrs so far and wont be going anywhere in a hurry

hopie, Sep 5, 2:58am
dont you get reminder paper work each year for each car! I know it doesnt give you a list but.

mopsy3, Sep 5, 3:09am
Yes you do, just the same as a normal rego. I have two on hold and each year get a reminder.

kcf, Sep 5, 3:12am
Carjam, you get three free lookups a month.Start an account.