Won't go into reverse, just revs. Luckily finally engaged gear to park it in a safe place. (moving forward) assume this means the transmissions gone! Previously revving very high before finally changing gear.
Sep 9, 3:13am
Check the trans fluid but by the sound of it not a good prognosis what year is it
Sep 9, 3:26am
Sounds terminal and expensive.
The time to try and save it was when it first started slipping between gears.
Sep 9, 3:29am
Yup thats what I thought. Anyone want to buy a car!
Sep 9, 3:30am
1996, done over 200,000 kms
Sep 9, 4:54am
Maybe, contact me thru my listing
Sep 9, 5:24am
Lol . you can't help yourself can you eh !
Sep 9, 5:25am
If the transmission is gone where do you thing it went!
Sep 9, 5:26am
Just couldn't resist to comment eh. #8
Sep 9, 5:31am
Oh Johnny boy, maybe if you actually offered some help and knowledge instead of flashing your fake TMMB police badge, someone might actually take you seriously. Hit the pike sunshine, you ain't needed here.
Sep 9, 5:33am
Meh that is your opinion, I do help you just need open those eyes. I know it is hard at this time of night. Not all of us are into advertising our services on the boards while others pay to advertise.
Sep 9, 5:35am
You sure do help Johnny, you are the fibre that gets the boards"moving"
Sep 9, 10:50am
Ok, just to clarify, that was a joke, as in a car with no working transmission would probably not be that appealing to buy. Sheesh.
Sep 9, 10:53am
And the post about year and mileage was for poster number 2.
Sep 9, 2:56pm
Sorry to ask another question what motor is it I might have a trans for you and grow up John you are making yourself look worse than dud
Sep 9, 3:15pm
Hey splinter its a 1600, is that what you need to know!
Sep 9, 3:23pm
Yup will have a look today will let you know tonight if its right you can have it Its just taking up room in the back of the workshop
Sep 9, 6:59pm
Thanks, might just bite the bullet and get another car.
Sep 9, 11:56pm
Have you had the trans oil level checked!
Sep 10, 1:37am
Nope. Can I do that myself or take it to a mechanic!
Sep 10, 2:01am
Yep, can do it yourself, but will be easier if a mechanic does it.
1. Vehicle has to be on flat, level ground (garage floor for example). 2. Engine must be running. 3. Gear lever in N or P. 4. Pull the transmission dipstick out (it should be on the passenger side of the engine bay with an invisible black handle/holder) and wipe it clean. Insert dpistick and check the oil level. There will be low and full marks on the dipstick and possibly hot and cold levels. The fluid should be red in colour and not smell burnt. If the oil level is low and needs topping up, use Dexron lll type fluid. Filling is done through the dipstick tube.
Sep 10, 4:05am
Coll the one I have would have fitted but someone dropped some steel on it now we know what the inside of a laser trans looks like
Sep 11, 12:35am
Checked transmission fluid. The level is ok but its looking pretty brown
Sep 12, 6:09pm
And now the car is going into gear, but still revving pretty high before changing.
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