Zurich Insurance - Any experiences ?

comfreak91, Sep 24, 4:33pm
Hi There.
Curious to know if anyone here has used Zurich insurance for their motor vehicle and any experiences please - good/bad. especially at claim time!

Thanks a lot :)

intrade, Sep 24, 4:51pm
n idea i got no insurance what so ever but i was surprised on what some insurance pay out here in newzealand. could be all changed now who knows. i know only a fewfacts zürich is a swiss insurance , and in switzerland they will check every finprint of the contract and see if it mightviolate the contract so they dont have to pay. They do however always pay out when you hit somone else no questions , not like state insurance for example who or there likes whom try and save money for paying out. If all fineprint is in clear then swiss insurance pay . well thats what i know about swiss insurance. i was with Berner -aka alliance now in europe when i had a car there.

intrade, Sep 24, 5:02pm
be awear do, they do asses your damagedcar for its true value. in switzerland however you can keep the car and take the money for repair or if it is a writeoff and they want to give you like 2 grand you can say . I cant buy a same car with this money and they then have to supply you with acarof the same value or give yo more money to buy the same value car again. This is how it used to be when i had insurance in the 1990s Dont know how it works now and iff they differ from switzerland to nz or not. they also sometimes pay more for the repair because there is no car of the value to fix your writtten offcar. Thats all back 20 years ago however.

kazbanz, Sep 24, 8:11pm
Ive been with zuric for five years for 500k in cars. 2 calims both dealt with quickly and efficiently

jerichord, Sep 24, 10:53pm
no trouble, paid out within 10 days when my workvan was stolen

tandj3, Sep 25, 12:05am
proberly fine to customers, but we are in the car repair industry and they are terrible at paying their bills! have to chase and chase and chase and no one ever answers the phone.

comfreak91, Sep 25, 11:09pm
Thanks everyone so far:)