New Batteries

scoobeey, Sep 24, 6:38am
Wheres the best place .Im lookin for 2 around 700cca6v71 Detroit

crudeawakening, Sep 24, 2:56pm
Battery town agents are good

motorboy2011, Sep 24, 3:27pm
I go to century batteries distribution center and ask for factory 2nds, same 6/12/24 month warranty on them as normal and they are about 1/2 to 2/3rds of the normal price

intrade, Sep 24, 3:33pm
i get special deals no warranty ones from local auto electric place cheaper the ones that where on shelf for a while otherwise you want some with 36 month warranty big mothers are not cheap however unless you can get some like me. i got a 1000cca one for 100$ was used from the place one wont know how long it will last but was only 100 buxfor a 320$ battery