A NZ new 96 toyota corolla

bryshaw, Sep 23, 11:23pm
does anyone know the average fuel consumption for the 1.3 petrol 2E motor! Toyota didn't keep fuel data records until 2000 apparently. It is the carby type.

sw20, Sep 23, 11:45pm
Should be able to get 7litres/100km highway driving. 40mpg in the old school. Around 8 litres/100km about town.

bryshaw, Sep 24, 12:31am
Thanks for that.I will have to get it tuned as it is using around 9-10/100, which is surprising since it has only done 115k and has been regularly serviced.

r15, Sep 24, 1:42am
that doesnt surprise me - they are carbed so it depends a lot on your right foot and how you use it

vtecintegra, Sep 24, 1:43am
I've found them heavier on fuel than the injected 1.6

sw20, Sep 24, 1:47am
I had an older liftback EE80 with the 2E carb, NZ new, it was probably a bit lighter than OP's later model, however my nz new AE82 gt hatch is even better on fuel with the injected 4AGE. Have got as low as 6.1litres/100km Auckland to Napier.

phillip.weston, Sep 24, 1:47am
are the 100 series still using the crappy SU style carb! there is an auxilary air valve which leaks causing them to be hard to start when warm, give a poor idle and run rich at all times.

kcf, Sep 24, 1:50am
The 2E's have a terrible carb, so there's a good chance that it's had it.We were getting 15km/l and better in the two EE90 Corolla's we had as run arounds.Might be worth finding and trying out a random used carb!

bryshaw, Sep 24, 4:16am
I'll get the autoleccie to test it first then if needed maybe price a recon carb.

pebbles61, Sep 24, 4:41am
Wooooah.I love my SU carb lol

NZTools, Sep 24, 4:44am
fixed that for ya.

sw20, Sep 24, 4:46am
Yeah as far as I knew the NZ new ones came with a standard venturi type carb rather than the slide/SU type.

r15, Sep 24, 4:55am
probably a waste of time seeing him. not much electrical stuff going on there.you're after the oldest mechanic you can find at a small workshop

bryshaw, Sep 24, 5:35am
Yep know just the fella, ta.